Chapter 1

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Regina's POV

I came home from school, 'The Storybrooke High School for Girls', and went upstairs to my room, without even making eye contact with my mother. She has ignored me ever scince my dad died, she blamed me for a long time, now she is so distant. Anyway, I called my friend Ruby. "How quickly can you come over?" I asked. She laughed. "I am outside your house right now." I smiled. "Okay." I say, hanging up. I hear the door close as Ruby runs up the stairs. She comes into my bedroom. "What do you want to do today?" She asks. I shrug. "I thought you'd have an idea." I say, typing in my laptop password. She gives me a devilish smirk. "You could always go on a chatroom." She says slyly. "No, Ruby! No way!" I hide my laptop. "Just for fun? Please?" She begs. I sigh heavily. "Fine." I groan. We log onto a chatroom she recommended. "So what should I put for interests?" I asked he. She shrugs. "You could put that Emily girl you like." She laughed. I roll my eyes. "Emma? Why would I put her name?" I ask she laughs. "To meet the fandom, you idiot." I roll my eyes and begin to type. "What else?" I ask. She laughs.
"Music? Clothes? Anything really." "Okay."

•Emma SwanSwandomBmthGirls

I contemplated taking off the last one but Ruby had already pressed 'Talk!' so that was a no go.

You are now talking to a stranger, say 'hi'!
(Stranger - Regina)
That's personal information...
You can trust me. ;-)
No, I really can't.
Stranger has disconnected, click HERE to talk to someone new!

You are now talking to a stranger, say 'hi'!
(Stranger - Regina)
So, you like Emma?
She's hot, yeah.
I didn't ask if she was hot.
You're hot.
That makes no sense, you dont even know me.
Maybe I do.
Who are you?
Maybe I want to.
You have disconnected, click HERE to talk to someone new!

You are now talking to a stranger, say 'hi'!
(Stranger - Regina)
Pic? ;-)
You have disconnected, click HERE to talk to someone new!

You are now talking to a stranger, say 'hi'!
(Stranger - Regina)
If you are a perverted old man, leave now.
I've never had a fellow Swan greet me like that.
Sorry, it just seems this while chat room is full of perverted old men.
How do I know you aren't one?
You'll just have to guess.
I wanna guess about you not being a perv, but something doesn't feel right.
Stranger has disconnected, click HERE to talk to someone new!

"Ruby, this is stupid." I sigh, finally. "Why is it stupid?" She asks. "Why is it stupid!?" I scoff. "They're all pervs or think I'm a perv." She sighs. "Just a few more?" I sigh. "Fine." I grumble.

You are now talking to a stranger, say 'hi'!
(Stranger - Regina)
Hey, are you okay?
I haven't been okay for so long I dont know what societies view on okay is anymore.
Woah, a simple 'no' would suffice.
Yeah, I get carried away, sorry.
Its fine, its what I'm here for.
Are you okay?
What's up?
Nothing, everything, you, me, everyone.
What do you mean?
Stranger has disconnected, click HERE to talk to someone new!

You are now talking to a stranger, say 'hi'!
(Stranger - Regina)
How are you?
I'm fine.
That's good.
So, what's your name?
I'll tell you mine, if you tell me yours.
Okay, so yours?
Regina. Yours?
I like that, its pretty.
Mines pretty? Yours is gorgeous! Its like honey rolling off of my tongue.
Jeez, Emma, it's just a name.
I was joking.
Oh, okay.
This may sound weird but I'm glad you aren't a perv.
I know right. Perverts using my name on a chatroom for teens.
Your name?
Emma Swan.
Are you joking?
How can I tell?
Turn on your camera and I'll turn on mine...

Ruby looked at me and smirked. I sighed and turned it on, after a minuet I saw Emma appear on the screen. EMMA SWAN.

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