Chapter 2

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Regina's POV

"HI!" I yelled, then realised that my webcam doesn't record sound.

It is you!!
Why are you on here?
Looking for an IBF.
My friend wanted me to.
Can I just say, you are even prettier in that lighting then in your videos.
Thanks and seriously, gorgeous name and gorgeous person? You are just, wow.
Says you.
Hey, do you wanna, maybe, trade numbers?
Wait - The Emma Swan wants my number? Why?
You seem like a good person.
But I'm a burden.
No you are not.
So, do you want to?
Hell yeah!
So, if you give me yours I can message you.
Okay. 1 sec.
Here its *** *** *** **
Did you message me 'Pancake Cream'?
Okay.  :-)

"I have to go, Regina but have fun." I smiled. "Okay, Red." I heard the door shut as I changed into pajama shorts and grabbed my phone.

Wanna get to know each other?
Sure, Q&A?
Alright, you first.
Favourite color?
Grey, because it reminds me of the corrupted innocence of my childhood, plus Halsey. :)
Oh. Mines purple, because of--I dont know why.
So, my question. Music?
Uh, My chemical Romance, sleeping with sirens, black veil brides, Bring Me The Horizon, Slipknot, Panic! At the Disco, and you probably don't know any of these bands
Are you kidding?? You are my favourite person right now.
Thanks. But you dont mean that.
I do.
So, my question, parents?
Mine both died when I was little. I was put in care.
That's terrible. Uhm, my dad died earlier this year, my mom used to blame me for it, but now she doesn't even acknowledge my existence.
No, that's terrible.
Not really, I'm used to it, so, your question.
Oh yeah. Uhm Sexuality? You dont have to answer though.
No, it's fine, I'm a lesbian. Out and proud. You? (Dont have to answer).
No, uh I'm Bisexual.
Your question...

*The next Day*

Now me and THE EMMA SWAN know pretty much everything about each other.

Can I ring? I really want to hear your voice.
Because if everything about you is gorgeous, I bet your voice is too.
I am not gorgeous.
Look, I am the complete opposite, okay?
I bet you aren't.
I am. Unlike you, you can sing, dance talk about nothing. You are perfect. Like, just wow.
Can we just pretend I'm not Emma Swan? Let's make my name Emma...Emma Nolan? Yeah. I'm not famous I'm just like you, and your friends, okay?
I hate being famous, everyone knows nearly everything about me.
Well I know everything about you, Miss Emma Nolan.
Incoming call from Emma.
Timidly, I accepted the call. "Hello?" I hear her voice ask. I smile and my mouth goes dry. I feel bile rise in my throat as I run to the bathroom. Ding. My notification sound. I go back into my bedroom and check my phone.
Regina, are you okay? I heard vomiting noises. Then the line went dead.
Sorry. I do that when I'm nervous.  :-\
Awe, you dont need to be nervous about me.
Uhm, I kind of do, you've been my idol for five years. Now, here you are actually acknowledging me.
You idolized me?
You are so strong, and always right. You're talented pretty and to be honest, I was always jealous of your talent. I mean, I can sing, but I can't play an instrument and every time I get near a camera, my anxiety gets the better of me.
Oh, but I am not strong. I am weak, I put on a strong front but off camera? I cry, all the time. I'm never right. I am only right when I have learnt from messing everything up. And you are gorgeous, you should be a model, I'm so sorry I didn't talk to you sooner, you're a great person. Brb...

"Ugh." I threw my phone onto the desk and laid on my bed. I checked my clock. 10:23. I stare at the ceiling as my eyes flutter closed. Luckily I wake up early. Its Saturday, so no school. I grab my phone and check my messages.
3 new messages from Emma.

I sigh and open up our messages.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2016 ⏰

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