LARP and the Real Girl

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Charlie's POV

A few weeks after the whole 'give me your money' incident, Cas was released from the hospital safe and sound. Dean still didn't stop apologizing until Cas finally threatened to punch him if he did it again. That was yesterday, when we got Dean, Sam, Cas, and I together to celebrate Cas being out of the bleach-scented prison he was stuck in for weeks. It didn't last long, because Cas was really tired so we all watched movies and passed out on the couch. 

Now I am the only one awake. I am not wasting this opportunity. I walk to the kitchen and grab some whipped cream, a spoon, and an expo marker because I couldn't find a sharpie. I walk back to the boys and set the stuff down on the table quietly. I put the spoon in Sam's mouth and stifle a laugh. I take the marker and lightly draw a mustache on Dean's face. I eat some of the whipped cream before putting the rest of the can on Cas's face...Which surprisingly didn't wake him up. I took a few pictures and the went to get two pans from the kitchen.

"WAKE UP, PEASANTS! QUEEN'S ORDERS!" I yell, banging the pans together. 

"SON OF A BITCH!" Dean yells, jumping off the couch. He looks over to the other boys and starts laughing. 

Sam spits the spoon out, "What the hell, Charlie?" 

"What is on my face?" Cas says, wiping some of the whipped cream off

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"What is on my face?" Cas says, wiping some of the whipped cream off. "Ugh, really Charlie?"

"Yes, really" I say, smirking. 

"D-dean, I think you should go look at y-your face" Sam stutters while laughing.

Dean runs to the bathroom and looks in the mirror. "Oh you are going to pay for this, Charles" Dean says with an evil smile as he walks back in the living room. 

"Can't wait, Winchester" I laugh.

"So, what are we doing today?" Cas asks, wiping off some of the whipped cream with a paper towel.

"I don't know" Dean replies, licking some whipped cream off Cas's face and laughing at his surprised reaction.

"I was thinking you guys could tag along to Moondor with me. We are LARPing today." I say excitedly. 

"Sounds awesome!" Dean and Sam say in unison, having done this with me before. 

"I'm in, I guess." Cas says, still laughing at Dean licking whipped cream off his face.

Sam smirks at the two and gets up to get dressed. I do the same and we come back to see Cas and Dean already ready to go. 

"Sam, Dean, you guys already have your same costumes in my tent from last time but we will have to get Cas one since he has never done this."

The boys all nod and Sam holds the door open for everyone to go out to the car. 

-le time skip-

We all get out of the car and head to my tent, saying hi to passing people who are also getting ready for the LARPing session. 

We get to my tent and the guards move for us to enter. Sam and Dean suit up while I fetch someone to get Cas a costume. I get ready when they take Cas to get an outfit, Dean going with him of course. 

When I am ready, I walk with Sam to address the people of Moondor. I get into character and watch everyone bow, including Dean and Cas, who Sam happened to find very easily considering the size of the crowd. 

"Subjects, I would like to draw attention to the Winchesters, always happy to see you visiting the kingdom."

Sam and Dean walk towards me, bowing and waving at the people before settling into position next to me. 

"I would also like to draw attention to a new member of the kingdom, Castiel Novak, please join me." Cas walked towards me at my words and copied Sam and Dean's actions, smiling. 

"Please welcome him, he will visit frequently, I hope." 

The crowd cheers. "Thank you. I will be in my tent for most of the day. Please speak to my guards if you need anything. " I nod as the bow and lead the boys back to my tent. 

"Well this is fun." Cas says, breaking character.

"I'm gonna let that slide since your new, but don't break character outside this tent.... Or if anyone besides us four is in here. That would put a bad rep on me for choosing you to LARP with us."

Cas sticks his hands up defensively and smirks," Sorry, your majesty." 

Dean laughs and kisses Cas on the cheek, "I can give you a tour of the grounds if you want, angel." 

Cas smiles at the nickname and nods at Dean. "That would be amazing."

The two walk out of the tent together, holding hands. Sam and I make kissing noises at each other and laugh. 


I know it ended quite odd but the next chapter will be a continuation of this if you guys want. 

I am finally getting more time to write so hopefully my promises of updating more won't be untrue anymore. 

Hope you liked it and I am thinking about doing an SPN imagines book as I have about 4 imagines for Markiplier I am about to update it with so that kinda proves my extra writing time! Give me suggestions for the imagines in the new SPN book I shall make. 

If you have suggestions for the Markiplier book, then please comment them on that so I don't get all confuzzled. 

Thank you for reading!!!!!!!

Love you guys!! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2016 ⏰

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