Night 1

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Foxy pov

It was 11:59 and the guard got into his office. I heard the clock tic once more showing the midnight hour on its hands. Tonight I didn't feel like getting out so I let the guard off today... For me at least. I heard him try out the lights, the doors then the cameras. Bonnie was told he needs to be up and moving first so he got up and went to the kitchen.

The guard got his distraction phone call and so he listened unknowing to Bonnie's movements. He walked past me but then turned around to wave at me I waved back at him and gave him a thumbs up. He turned around and looked down the hallway.

The red dot and the end of the hall went on meaning the guard was watching. Bonnie tried to act scary so he stiffened up and smiled. He twitched as the red light went off. Then he started laughing. He slipped into the hall closet.

Chicka got up for a snack but the guard thought she was getting up. So she played along. Just as I thought, Mangle was asleep in her pirates cove. She was all curled up in a ball with her tail as a pillow as she breathed slowly. I turned back to Bonnie and he was in the hall again. He started to walk down the hall to the door, when it closed.

"Aww come on open up.." He said in a sing song tone. 'He's so awesome... He can sound so creepy when he wants to...' I thought watching him. He banged on the door sending a loud ring through the diner. 'He's so good at his job.' He ran away after a while. Running back to the kitchen. Chicka came out and played for a while until it was 5:00 they played around taking turns.

It was Bonnie's turn. He walked over to the door but it closed. "Hey! Open up asshole!" Chicka shouted but the guard thought is was bonnie. The guard opened up the door as bonnie walked away. Then... The guard got out with a gun. Bonnie ran. 'He's so fast.' He ran down the hall and I quickly pulled him into pirates cove closing the curtains and putting me in between him and the curtain. I faced him leaning slightly over him.

We was breathing heavily and he heaved. "IM GONNA KILL THAT SON OF A BITCH BUNNY!!!" The guard yelled. Bonnie shivered and a tear slid down his face. I reached down and wiped it off. "Shh... Its okay I won't let him get anywhere near you." I said reassuring him. He nodded slightly. "But he might see us if we're out here we're gonna have to squeeze into the backstage area."

He just nodded. I picked him up by the shoulders and carried him backstage. I wasn't to cramped but we where touching. His breath was hot from running... His body hot from the heat radiating off me... His face hot from blushing because I was so close... Everything about him was hot, and I hate to admit it but he was hot in more ways than one.

He looked up at me his ears slightly drooping. I realized my tail was showing so I had to scoot in closer as I tucked it in. Our legs were in between each other. He gasped and his ears shot up. "What's wrong?" I asked looking down at him. "I... Um....I'm... Err never mind." He said blushing hard.

Speaking of hard...Since my leg was right THERE I could feel him harden. My heart took over my mind...and I lost it. I looked him in the eye and ran my fake hook underneath his chin holding it up. "I could help you with that..." I said he instantly turned bright red. "Y-you do need to do th-that I um... You don't need to..."

"Oh but I do"
666 again!

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