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I've always been known to be that strong tough smart girl in school. But when it came to love I was known as the heart breaker. I didn't mean to, but it all started when I dumped Larry Nicolas. He wasn't my type even though all the popular girls adored him. Ever since then no ones wanted to date me, and honestly i've never wanted to date them either. But one day, he came along, tall smart, and gourgous. I told myself that he'd never want to date me and moved on, but when summer came, he asked me out. Being the one girl who hasn't dated anyone since 6th grade, I accpeted. After that short summer was over, he moved away, I never got to say goodbye, but I know if I did, I wouldn't of be able to let him go. I still haven't let him go, but at least it's less painful this way. But I said to myself that day - If I ever see him again - Luckily for me ever since then, I finally have some friends. Because know i'm not known as the heart breaker. I'm known as heartbroken.


"Amanda!" Erin called.

"What?" I asked a tiny bit depressed.

You see even though it has been about a year since he moved away, I was still a little bit out of it at times.

"Stop being so depressed I can see it in your face, your never going to get over your nickname if you always are depressed!" Erin replied.

I also always wanted to just have a regular nickname like Manda or Mandy, but for those who didn't know me that well, it was "Hey heartbroken." 

"I know, but seriously Erin, I don't know if I can." I sighed.

"It's been a year, you should move on, and I know how to make you! It's time for you to have a date." She smiled.

"I don't know...." I mumbled shyly.

"But, I do, so let's go get Angela, and David and get you a date!" She yelled a little too loud.

Angela was one of our other closest friends. But the thing about her is that shes the only person we could actually trust. No mean no with her, literally I nagged her for weeks once and she didn't tell me anything at all. Not one hint! David is Erin's best guy friend who she has a crush on, but it's to complacted to say anything else, (her words not mine) and she tells him everything so I wasn't surprised we were getting him too. Plus, I think she figured he knew a despret guy who was willing to go out with heartbroken. 

"Hey David," Erin smiled.

"Hey," David answered shrugging his shoulders and conutining talking to his friends.

"Why don't we go get Angela," I said pulling her along.

Usually she'd be pulling me along instead, especially because of this topic. I mean she's tried this a 100 times before, but never have I said let's go.

"Yah, ok, c'mon." She tugged as she zoomed in front of me.

"I don't know about this Erin," I said as we came close to Angela

"Relax it'll be fine," She replied happily.

"Whatever you say." I muttered quietly.

As soon as Angela saw us coming to her, she quickly sent her friends away and let out a groan.

"Your going to try this again, aren't you?" She asked crossing her arms, "Honestly, Amanda why do you always go along with this and then never show up for the date, if you ever get over your nickname, your just going to go back to your old one."

"I just don't think it's a good idea if I date again. Maybe, i'll be a loner  for my whole life, what if I like it that way?" I snapped.

"Amanda we all know you still haven't gotten over you know who, but seriously, you got to find someone else." Erin replied calmly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2013 ⏰

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