Top.. 10? Awkward Situation 0-0

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These are some awkward situations I've been in or just other people might be

10: When you're holding a baby... And it cries...

Like wtf! I mean that barely happens to me but when it fucking does it's likes.... I'm sorry! And all the adults are watching who are fucking professions for babies and want to see wtf you want to do like... Um... Well... Just think about it!

You: *holding the baby*

Baby: *starts crying*

You: I-I'm sorry!

Adults: *staring at you*

You: uh.. Want your bottle??

It's so fucking awkward like... Bruh someone help me ;-; you're pros at these adults!

9: When you're checking someone out... (You know because their cute/hot) And they noticed you was stalking them 0-0

I do that a lot but when I get caught, sometimes they make eye contact with me and that makes me blush extremely a lot!

I fucking hate blushing! It's the end of me like seriously it's easy to make me blush (-3-)/

I just smile a lot and turn a bit red and try to force myself not to smile but I couldn't I always fail when I try not to smile it suck!

8: With a family member (like a grandparent or uncle or aunt or cousin) that you never knew or haven't known each other to well or only talked to each other like a couple of times not a lot.... And someone you know is there then just leaves to do something real quick AND YOU'RE LEFT ALONE WITH THAT PERSON!

Okay okay this shit happens to me with my grandfather sometimes because I'm usually locked up in my room because I'm anti-social sadly but like its hella awkward like.. What do you like do!! Like... Idk wtf to talk about it's just like this

Me: *chatting with family*

Family member: *leaves to use the bathroom*

•Total awkwardness of silent with other family member *~*•

Me: .... *thinks to talk about something then opens mouth*

Family member: *comes back while drying hands*

Me: *looks down and mutters* okay...

Like seriously this bullshit always happens! I hate it so much -3-

7: when you're at some place, and a person is checking you out... Like WAYY older than you, or a very young child

Okay few days ago I was at Sam's Club (I was getting food okay!) I was sitting down with my dad and eating but I didn't have much (idk why just didn't feel like eating) so like there's this old white guy yelling at this girl he was with (idk family member she seemed younger)

And everyone's staring at him and I am too and he's near my table (reminder I look like I'm fucking 12 or 13 it fucking sucks but I'm 15 I promise!) so like when he stopped screaming finally he noticed me and was checking me out

My dad was noticing and he was getting whatever like napkins or whatever behind me (because that's where the ketchup is at and etc) and he was checking me out from behind! So then this happened..

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