Chapter 3

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The rest of the week flew by in a blur. Lucy ran through the crowded hallways of Magnolia High, racing to get to her locker. It was Friday, she was going to spend the night with Wendy and Erza! She boarded the bus and waited to arrive at home. Her bag hit the floor as she pushed open the door.

"M-mom?!" No. Her mom died seven years ago. So who the hell was this lady in her kitchen?! "Who are you?! Why are you in my house?!" Questions swirled in her mind. "Joli who are you talki- Oh, hello Lucy." Her dad said as he walked in. Lucy blatantly pointed her finger at this Joli person. "Dad, care to explain why she is here?" Jude scratched the nape of his neck. "She's uh... my girlfriend." Lucy was angry, no, Lucy was FURIOUS. She turned to Joli. "GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE!" Lucy screamed and ran to her room, slamming the door. She hastily threw a lot of clothes in her bag, along with her laptop, and her chargers. Before even saying goodbye, or looking at her father, she bolted out of the house along with her bag. "Lucy Amber Heartfilia! You get back here this instant!" Jude yelled to his child, as she ran down the sidewalk. Lucy stopped for breath, as she knew she was too far away for her father to get her now. Tears streamed down her face as she made her way up the steps to Erza's house. She knocked on the door, still crying. A girl with chocolate brown hair opened the door. "Hey are you Lucy- Oh my god! You're crying!" She ushered the crying girl inside, where Lucy dropped her bag and fell to the floor, sobbing. Four girls were soon by her side, Erza, Wendy, and two other girls, one with beautiful white hair and the other chocolate brown haired one from earlier. A chorus of "Oh my god's", "What's wrong?!" and "What happened?!" flew through the air. Lucy could not respond, her voice choked back by heart-wrenching sobs. After Lucy had calmed down and was transferred from the floor to Erza's bed, she was finally able to explain what had happened. "Wow." Erza gasped. "That's awful." The white haired girl exclaimed. "I'm so sorry Lucy-nee." Wendy chimed as her small frame wrapped Lucy in a hug. The chocolate haired girl only growled in response, then muttering a soft "Can I kill her?" Lucy chuckled at hearing her words. "Be my guest, uhh.." Lucy left her words hanging in the air. "Cana." the girl said. "I'm Mira!" the white haired girl smiled.Wendy blushed. "I forgot to tell you we invited our other friends, sorry Lucy-nee." Lucy smiled. "It's okay Wen." The girls went through the usual introductions and started to goof off and have fun. While in the midst of a pillow fight, Lucy slipped out of the room and into the bathroom. She pulled out her phone as she sat on the closed toilet and opened Skype. She opened the group chat and sent a quick message.

Lu: I don't know if I'm going to be able to play anytime soon... I kinda ran away from home.. I brought my laptop with though..

Lucy sighed as she clicked the power button to her phone. She looked into the mirror and sighed. Why is my dad such a colossal jerk? Lucy shook her head as her phone buzzed with messages from the chat.

S: What the hell happened?

R: Lucy! Are you okay?

Le: You need to go back home Lu-chan!

Lu: long story short, my dad has a girlfriend and I found her when I got home. I screamed at her to get the hell out, packed my stuff, and ran. Gotta go, I'm at Erza's and I don't want her looking for me.

Lucy clapped her hands and snuck back into the pillow fight, which ended soon after. It was getting late, so the girls arranged who would be sleeping where and went to bed.

Two minutes.






An hour.

Two hours.

Two hours had passed, and Lucy had yet to fall asleep. She crawled over to Erza, and lightly shook her, careful not to wake anyone else.

"Mmmph.... Lucy?"

"Hey uhh, Erza? Is it okay if I uh-" Lucy was cut off by Erza.

"Stay here for a while? Sure. I know you don't really want to go back home after what happened." Erza smiled.

Lucy returned the smile and crawled back to her space. "G'night Erza.

"Night Lucy."

Lucy closed her eyes, only to hear the words "She's my girlfriend" and images of Joli echo throughout her mind. This was going to be a long night.


Hope you guys enjoyed! I'm gonna start trying to get into a regular updating schedule, so wish me luck!


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