Chapter 25

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Tena opens her font door, and finds to Skyley laying on a blanket with a slight tail wag.
"Skyley!? What's wrong!?" Tena almost shouts as she run to give her dog a hug.
"She probably landed on her back wrong, which made a part of her spin intimated. It's very common, she'll just need some meds and she can't use her back legs for a while."Tena's mother says rubbing her daughter's shoulder.
"We'll get over soon I know." Tena says rubbing sky's soft head as she lays down next to her.
"Wanna help me give sky her meds?" Tena's mom ask holding a role of meat with a pill inside. She hands it to Tena the meat.
"Skyley! Look it's a treat!" Tena said with a big smile as she trys to lift up Skyley's teeth but failing. "Come on Sky it's good for you." Tena coos the her stubborn dog frustrated.
"Let me try,"her mom says as she gets handed the pill.
"Come on Honey please it'll help you." Tena's mom says struggling to open the stubborn dogs jaw.
"I'm going to bed," Tena says as she walks to her room with watery eyes. Then flopping onto her bed , after an hour she falls asleep. To open her eyes sitting in a quiet waiting room in what looks a small pet hospital.
"Ok right in this room," a nurse says

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