A Swift Descent into Madness

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There are moments when depression just takes over and controls your thoughts. Depression, anxiety, bitterness, anger, all of it. Yep all of them swirling in a constant storm of emotions that make you question if you are going crazy or not when you begin to hear things that aren't there, feel things that aren't there, smell things that aren't there, and sometimes see things that creep out of the darkest corner of your mind, things that make the bile rise in your throat. And you get horrible thoughts that just come up naturally. You're more disturbed by yourself than anything or anyone else, and all you want is to stop existing. Dying isn't good enough, you want your entire existence to be erased completely. But that'd be too easy. Killing yourself is too selfish... all you want to do is disappear completely. Creatures beyond your darkest nightmares, right from the darkest part of Hell, bubble into existence before your very eyes, the stench coming from them is unbearable, for their corrupted souls had been rotting in the worst part of Hell. There are supposedly seven circles of Hell... God knows you hope to never be in one of them. But sometimes you feel as though you have the front row seat. The creatures offer you what you desire most in exchange that they take your place in the world. You refuse, but in the back of your mind... you're so very tempted. They ask again seemingly refusing to take no for an answer. Sleep is your only release. They don't seem to plague your dreams with nightmares, no, instead you don't dream at all. You see nothing but black and nothingness, and you can't do anything about it but wait to wake up. Hope to wake up. Pray that you wake up. The darkness consumes you. But you wake up anyway, wondering why, and what for. You realize that you don't feel your emotions, the darkness consumed them, but you know it'll be back. They all come back at once. Causing you to feel too many things at once. You feel as though you have delved into true madness, and you don't know if you can escape. You somehow know that each time you fall asleep the darkness will be there, waiting, waiting, waiting to torment your mind more. Yet...you welcome it, knowing that you have no escape.

Hey readers, thank you for reading this story, I had help writing this, so I credit LostLittleSoul42502 go follow them and have a nice day~

A Swift Descent into MadnessWhere stories live. Discover now