Chapter 11

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No freaking way! Did Ethan just say he loved me?! He can't though, I might have feelings for someone else! But the fact that he told Daniel he loves me is crazy!

"What are you talking about?! How can you love her?"
"I can love her cause of her personality, looks, and the fact that she doesn't care what she looks like and she doesn't care what people think of her."
"That's all a massive lie you stupid..."

I turn around to see Gilinsky coming towards us. How do they freaking find me like this?!

"Gilinsky! Not the right time! I recommend you leave if you don't want something happening to me or Eth."
"What do you... Oh my god. Daniel?! Get away from Lea!"
"Wait, Jack?! You're friends with her?"
"Yes I am, your not going to come anywhere near her ever again! I know what you did and if you don't want me telling everyone I recommend you leave and never come back."
"Now Gilinsky, you know I can't do that!"
"Yes you can and you will."
"Go back home, and don't come back to her or any of us."
"The rest of the gang is here?"
"Yes but you will NOT see them."
"How's Nate doing after I threatened him Leanne?"
"Don't talk to me." I told him.
"Feisty, I like it, I guess I have to go now. Bye buddy's."
"We aren't your buddy's." Me, Ethan, Grayson and Gilinsky said.

Daniel left and we all went back to the hotel room. When we got to Gilinsky's he told me if I ever ran into Daniel again to call him. Me and Eth walked into our room, Grayson was still awake waiting for us. He saw us and looked relieved, he got up and gave Eth a hug. He then came over to me and squeezed me into a hug.

"C-can't breath G-Gray."
"Sorry, I'm just so relieved to see you guys back okay."
"Why were you worried?"
"Do you know how long you were out?"
"Two hours, I was really worried that something happened."
"Well Gray, we are fine."
"Thank goodness."
"I'm tired so I'm gonna go to sleep."
"Me too." Eth said.
"Night guys, even thought it's already seven."
"Yeah who cares."
"Not us obviously."

I laid down in bed and Eth went to the other bed, Gray came over and laid down. He knows I like to sleep on someone's chest so he let me lay on his chest. I fell asleep, when I woke up I looked at my phone and saw that it was 10:30. Gray and Eth were awake, they were eating breakfast.

"Saved me any?"
"Yep." They both said.
"What's to eat?" I asked while walking towards them.

We ate then we went to the beds and sat there. I was trying to think of something to do without Daniel finding me. I turn to face Eth and Gray, they looked at me.

"Let's go see if we can find some fans to make them happy then go shopping."
"Sounds good, but what if we run into Daniel?" Gray asked
"Eth, go get Gilinsky and tell him he is coming with us."

Ethan came back five minutes later with Gilinsky.

"If Daniel finds you I will protect you from him."
"Thanks Gilinsky, now let's go meet some fans that you guys never told me about and go shopping."
"Sorry! We didn't want to tell you we were somewhat famous cause we didn't want you using us."
"I would never use you... Now let's go."

We went down to the lobby and we saw a group of five girls. I walked up to one of them and tapped her shoulder. She slowly turned around and when she saw the boys she smiled so big.

"Are you guys a fan?" Ethan asked

All the girls just nodded their head frantically. One walked up to Gilinsky and hugged him so tight. He hugged her back just as tight, one of the other girls ran up to Grayson and hugged him. There were only three girls now, they all ran up to Eth. Everyone was hugging for about five minutes, we signed what they had, took pictures. Then we left and went to the mall, not many people were there. We were shopping for about one hour then we left.

"Who's hungry?"
"Me!" Eth, Gray and Gilinsky said.
"Taco Bell?"

We went to Taco Bell and got whatever we wanted. We got our food, ate then left back to the hotel. When we got there I saw someone that I didn't want to, Daniel. I froze the boys noticed me and turned around, I looked at Gilinsky with a worried look. He turned back around and walked to Daniel.

"I told you to stay away from us for good why are you still here?!"
"I just wanted to see Leanne again."
"No! Now leave before I tell everyone what you did."
"You wouldn't dare."
"Don't test me Daniel."
"Oh c'mon Gilinsky, we're friends right?"
"No we aren't."
"That's a bit harsh don't you think."
"I don't care right now, now leave and stay away from us."
"Okay, whatever you want Gilinsky, but I won't stay away forever."
"You better."

Daniel walked past me and grabbed my hand but I quickly let go and went to Eth. He wrapped his arm around my waist, Daniel looked at all of us disgusted. Daniel left and we went up to our hotel room, Gilinsky went to his room. Me, Gray and Eth went into our room and laid down.

"I really hate Daniel guys."
"We know Lea."
"It's just that he won't leave me alone... Ever."
"Don't worry Lea, we will find a way to keep him away from you."
"Thanks guys, I really appreciate it."
"No problem."

For the rest of the day it was just me, Gray and Eth hanging out. They might be my favorite twins that I have met. Out of the whole group, they are still my favorite, especially Eth cause he is really nice and funny.

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