Chapter 26: The Beginning of Us

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"Maybe where you were born or where dad was born?" Tadashi asked.

"No, I already checked at the hospital." I said.

"Hm, what about the beginning of your marriage?"

"No, there would be no place to put them."

"Well, how about where you first met?" 

"No we first met at The Lucky Cat Cafe and we checked there." 

"Where did Dad ask you to be his?" 

"Which time?" 

"Um, the first?"

I thought about it, "No, that was still at the Lucky Cat Cafe."

"The second?"

"The beach, but there's still no place he could hide two suits. Unless he buried them."

"The third?" 

"Our tree in the park." I said smiling at the memory. "But there's still no place to hide them."

"Gosh Mom." Tadashi said. I sighed.

"Mommy can I use his in my game?" (G/N) asked. She brought a dog collar to me. I took it in my hands. It was (D/N) old collar from when he was a puppy. It sparked a memory.

"Sure sweetie." I said handing it to her. She smiled and ran to the backyard.

"Mom?" Tadashi asked.

"I know where the suits are." I said.

After calling Aunt Cass to watch (G/N), Tadashi followed me as I speed walked to my old home. How could I not see this? That note meant the beginning of everything between us. It was all because of that fight. It was all because I walked home alone.

"Mom where are we going?" Tadashi asked. 

"My old home." I said. We arrived at the alleyway.

"This is your old home?" Tadashi asked.

"Long story I'll tell you later." I said looking around frantically for the suits. Tadashi began looking also. 

After fifteen minutes of searching, we didn't find them. I was about to start crying again. Tadashi sat on my old bed exhausted. 

"Ow!" He said. I turned around to see him standing up awkwardly.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I sat on the bed and it was hard." Tadashi said. Hard? I walked to the mattress and knocked on it. There was something metal in it. I grabbed a nearby piece of glass and cut the mattress.I sat back on my knees. Tadashi looked at me weird then opened the mattress more. He pulled out my suit and Baymax's.

"Mom is this?"

"I'm gong to kill your Dad when we find him." I said.


"Mommy why are you leaving?" (G/N) asked that night.

"I'm going to go see Daddy." I said wearing my suit. The gang waited outside and Tadashi was upstairs trying to get Baymax in his suit.

"Can you give him a message?" She asked. 

I smiled, "Yes."

"Can you tell him I miss him? And that I love him? And that I want him to come home." She asked. 

"Of course sweetie." I smiled and kissed her forehead. 

"I did it Mom." Tadashi said coming downstairs.

"Good." I replied.  Baymax came up to me.

"Ready?' I asked.

"Yes." Baymax said. 

"Behave, (G/N) listen to your brother while I'm gone." I said and kissed their cheeks. I hugged them. "I love you and I'll be back." Then I walked outside.

"Mom!" Tadashi said. I stopped. The gang was waiting for me with Commander Gilbert.

"Yes?" I asked.

"When will you be back?" He asked.

"I don't know." I said honestly. He looked at the ground.

"But I will be back, even... Even if I don't find him." I said. Tadashi looked at me.

"Last hug." He said and opened his arms. I pulled him against me and kissed his head.

"Take care of your sister and listen to Aunt Cass when she comes over okay?" I said. 

"Okay Mom, I will." He smiled. I let him go and walked to the van.


"Mrs. Hamada where does it say he is?" Commander Gilbert asked. I pressed  button on my suit and a map came up. A red dot appeared in...

"Russia?" Gogo asked.

"Why is he in Russia?" I asked.

"You got us there." V said.

"Where in Russia?" Honey asked.

"It looks like Moscow." I said. Suddenly the dot moved.

"It's in Australia now." Zoe said.

"Sydney Australia." Fred said.

"Why did it move?" Wasabi asked. I groaned, was I ever going to find him?

"He rigged it so I couldn't find him." I said.

"Why though?" Gogo asked. A thought occurred to me and I walked outside. I cried. I sank on my knees and cried.

"(Y/N)?" Baymax asked. I wiped my tears. 

"Yes?" I asked.

"Why is your neuron level low?" He asked. 

I sniffled, "Hiro's gone and... What if he left because he didn't want a family?" Baymax blinked.

"(Y/N), I am a robot and don't understand human emotions as well as others would, but when Hiro told me he was satisfied with his care I scanned him. He had a low neuron level and his heart rate was elevated. He was crying and he kept saying, 'I have to protect them'." Baymax said. Protect us from who? I wondered. I stood up and walked back inside.

"Did you guys ever meet someone that wanted to hurt Hiro because Baymax told me that Hiro was talking about protecting us." I asked.

"Not anyone in particular." Honey said. Fred suddenly jumped up.

"Wait! I remember when Hiro and I went alone on a mission we ran into this guy. Hiro seemed terrified of him, and the guy kept mentioning a package and Hiro kept telling him no, but the guy got upset, so he left. Then Hiro rushed back to the station, but when I asked him about it he blew it off." Fred said.

"A package?" I asked. 

Fred shrugged, "He never told me, but maybe it had to do with you, that's why he left."

"But where is he now?" I asked. 

"Well that happened in China." Fred said.

"Wait! Aunt Cass said that they have a distant relative there. On Hiro's Dad's side." Honey said.

"She's right. It's our uncle Han." Tadashi's voice said in my head.

"You think he knows something?" I asked.

"He could." Gogo said.

"Then we're going there." I said.

"Good thing you invited him to your wedding." V said.

"Yeah hopefully he remembers me." I laughed.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2016 ⏰

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