Birthday Surprise

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I quickly snuck into Tyler's room and grinned. I held his wrapped present in my hands behind my back and walked to the side of his bed. He'd slept in long enough. I decided it was time to celebrate before Rose and Richard started their family celebration.

I sat down on the side of his bed slowly and watched as he rolled over and rubbed his eyes. He smiled as soon as he saw me and placed a hand on my thigh.

"Morning gorgeous," he whispered lazily.

"Good morning," I laughed. I leaned down to kiss him on the cheek. "Happy birthday."

He chuckled quietly and brought his hand to his forehead, squeezing his eyes shut in embarrassment. "Oh, it's that time again."

I pulled his hand away from his face, twisting my fingers with his and revealed the object hidden behind my back. He looked at the wrapped gift and then sat upright, frowning.

"You shouldn't have gotten me anything," he muttered.

"I wanted to," I said softly. "Besides you only turn eighteen once. Just take it."

The corner of his lips twitched and he smiled. He placed his hand on the back of my neck and pulled me closer, giving me a quick kiss on the lips. Then he placed both hands on the little gift and slowly started unwrapping. I smiled to myself as I realised how this moment made him look like a joyful little kid. I hoped he liked it. He threw the blue wrapping paper to the side and grinned.

"Cassie," he whispered, lifting his eyes to meet mine. He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and let his hand rest gently on my cheek. "Thank you."

I quickly leant over and wrapped my arms around him. It was a tight hug, one that I liked.

"I wanted to tell you how much you mean to me," I whispered, still in the tight embrace. "You're such an important person in my life. You've been there for me whenever I needed it. You let me feel a way I've never felt before. You make me really happy and you've done so much for me. I don't know how to repay you."

"Cassie," he moved away and shook his head. His eyes searched mine. "You don't need to repay me. I've got all I want right in front of me."

I felt a shiver run down my spine and I let out an unexpected burst of laughter. He grinned at my expression and bit his lower lip. Gosh, it was attractive. Then he abruptly leaned over and pressed his lips to mine. He reached up to place his hand on my neck, his fingers lingering there, giving me goosebumps. I felt him smile in between the kisses. It only led to me smiling as well. Suddenly there was the sound of someone clearing their throat.

We both looked up and to my horror, Rose was standing in the open doorway. Her arms were crossed over her chest and there was a look of disapproval on her face. I pushed myself back, away from Tyler and looked down at the floor guiltily.

"Mum, I didn't think you would be up this early," Tyler's voice sounded unsteady.

I looked up at Rose. She frowned for a few more seconds and then let out a huge grin.

"I knew this was going to happen," she laughed. "Sorry, I had to try and play the authority figure. And on that note, you may have been let off the hook for the moment but after today there will be some serious rules put into place. That's what your parents would have wanted, Cassie."

"Thank you," I smiled. At least Rose approved of the relationship. as for my parents, I didn't know what they would think. But it shouldn't have mattered. It's my life, my choice.

She turned back to Tyler and pulled something out of her pocket before walking over and kissing him on the cheek. "This is my present. I wanted to make sure Emily and the twins didn't see me give you this. They'd be so jealous."

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