Part 1

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Authors note: This is a story where spotted leaf did not die and she is still alive and sandstorm is not in the picture anymore. I hope you like it🙂

Spottedleafs Pov  

It was a beautiful day in the camp I was sorting herbs and cats where sharing tongues. Lionheart and whitestorm was out to get a new apprentice from a twoleg nest. I can't wait to meet him. "Before the new apprentice comes I am going to have a rest" I said to myself in my head. I woke up to a rustling noise in the den I opened my left eye to see what it was and cinderkit and brackenkit where messing up all the herbs "hey brackenkit I dare you to eat this" cinderkit said as she grabbed a long leaf. Brackenkit took it from cinderkit paw. "Don't eat that leaf brackenkit, it will make you sick!!" I yelled before him took a bite. "Sorry" brackenkit and cinderkit said at the same time. "Ok just don't do it again, now go back to the nursery" I replied gently. I started organizing the herbs again after the kits mixed them all up. I heard some growling and hissing outside the den "What is going on now!" I growled, I walked out of the den to see longtail and a strange smelling young ginger cat fighting and the whole clan watching and even bluestar was watching them fight. I did not want to see a poor helpless kit get hurt by a warrior so I ran over to where the two boys where fighting and I went in between the two off them. "Longtail you should know better to fight a helpless kit, are you ok kit" I said angrily and worried "yes I am fine" the young cat replied I smiled at him he smiled back then longtail pushed me out of the way and said in a mean voice" What do you know your just a dumb medicine cat, hahaha" them he when back to fighting the helpless kit.

Thank you to who ever reads this and I hope you like it part two will be coming out shortly 😊

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