The Beginning

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*Once again I do not own any of these lovely characters. Please do not judge my writing! You are not obligated to read this story. Enjoy!*

"The Ouran Host Club is where the school's handsomest boys with too much time on their hands entertain young ladies who also have way too much time on their hands. Just think of it as the Ouran Academy's elegant playground for the super-rich and beautiful," Tamaki Suoh(direct quote). Squeals and swooning can be heard coming from an abandoned music room. Upon entry, the delicate smell of flowers and delicious aroma of tea and sweets brushed past the newcomers. Before they are seen, the visitors notice a tall blonde, redhead twins, another blonde but significantly smaller, and along with the small boy sits a tall seemingly expressionless boy. Another small boy(yeah, a boy), but with brown hair and not as small, can be seen but the unnoticed visitors. All surrounded by beautiful young ladies. Off by himself sits a black haired boy with glasses. Then, a loud motor and what can only be described and insane and girly laughter can be heard.
-The past in a different location-
England, France, and America are already fighting in the world conference. This time was different though. Majorly different. Italy had finally had enough of it. "Would everyone quiet-a down now!!"waking a sleeping Greece. Even frightening Russia and Germany. With the sweet and caring Italians outburst, a certain Canadian gained just enough courage to decide to get something off his chest. Though fearing he wouldn't be heard he quickly rushed and tapped on the chalkboard to get everyone's attention. He proceeded to write,"things aren't always about you three, Britain, America, and France, other countries have things to talk about too. Stop being so selfish, please?" and signed it "Canada" Poor little Canada's burst of courage wasn't enough to keep that sweet Canada of him out. "Who the hell is Canadad!?" questioned and yelled a certain blonde American. "I berieve it is pronounced Canada (recognition Canada. Good job! Canada:thank you) and he is right," states Japan. Before the obnoxious American gets a chance to say anything Britain speaks up,"Well then Japan, how about a trip to your country to see how everything is going there?" Japan hesitates,"Werr... I don't see why not but-" "No vay all of us could go vith Japan," Germany interrupts, aiding his friend.

*Deeply sorry that the host club part wasn't as long. I promise there will be more romantic and goofy hosts in the next chapters. Moving along. Would anyone like to help decide who tags along with Japan on a trip to his country? One week, then I shall decide! Hope you mint bunnies enjoyed the first chapter(^ω^)*

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