Chapter 1: The Diary

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Dear diary,
If you think that I'm gonna be doing this every day, your wrong. Maybe my mom just got me this thing so she can show it to my counselor for proof I've been getting "picked on" but if it is... I'm burning it!
"What you doing Alex..." Oh yea that's Ben, he's my best friend ever. People say he's weird, mean, inappropriate, and he beats people up, but honestly he's the best. "Is that a diary?" He said laughing.
"My mom is making me write in it or I would be burning it and slitting my throat."
"Wow and I thought Zora was dramatic. Just because her name means beautiful doesn't mean she has to brag. I mean really girl really and what kind of name is that,Zora, ew!" Drake gets a little annoyed... and by a little I mean really annoyed.
"Shut up. " I punched him, and I rarely punch him. He knew why I punched him and started batting his eyes.
"You love him..." He was right I did love him... a lot.
"Hey Alex..." Oh my god he's talking to me. God honestly that was really rude. You don't know what I'm talking about. There's a guy named drake and he is the cutest guy at school, a jock, wow now I know why he never talked to me. He's sadly dating Zora. "Whatcha got there?"
"Um... a, uh..."
"It's a diary her mom bought her!" Ben shouted. Gosh sometimes I hate him.
"Aren't u emo or something?" He asked. Honestly back then everyone thought I was emo... Technically I was and still am but I don't consider myself emo.
"I guess but my mom is making me write in it." From then on I had an actual conversation with him. Then Zora came over.
"Flirting with my boyfriend again I see." She crossed her arms.
"Wow you honestly think I would do that?"
"Well yea your in choir, your new here, your decent looking, why wouldn't he fall for you?"
"Um... I... Well..."
"What's your Instagram?"
"I'm following Maria just look in her Instagram followers."
Later that night I got a follow request from Zora. Her Instagram pictures were kinda weird and I commented on one of them then went to bed right after
"*sobing* Alex is cyber bullying me!" Zora said the next day.
"Not to be rude Zora but how am I cyber bullying you." I finally got the guts to say that after the fifth person I knew shunned me. If I haven't mentioned Zora is the "prettiest" most popular girl in the whole school is everyone is upset with you if u screw up with her.
"You freaking commented on my picture and said <wow look at that!> with a mean emoji! How rude is that?!?!?"
"Ok first of all that's not cyber bullying... Trust me I should know." She didn't understand what I meant at the time and I think she still doesn't know what I was talking about.
"We have better things to do than talk to a jerk." She said to her friends. I call her friends slaves... it's more than 8 months later.
"At least I don't make things up to get in a fight and to get attention!"

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2016 ⏰

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