Chapter one.

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The first day of school is hard for everyone, everyone who is scared out of their wits and very very short. Welcome to my life. My name is kasey witkins. I am fifteen years old and I have just moved to Geraldton, Western Australia. You think, well it can't be that bad can it. It's not a druggo town and the schools are good right? Well not for me, I'm from cairns, let's just say it's allot different for me over here. I have ten minutes until I get dropped at school, then I will have to stand up there while everyone looks at me just to find out I will be sitting next to the first person I see. My mom has been spending the past few days rushing around getting everything for school sorted while I have been sitting on my bed reading. I think my mom has just finally understood that I don't trust her partner, he is creepy and acts like he is my father.
"Kasey!" Mom yells "time to go to school!"

"Yep, coming." I say rushing to put my shoes and socks on.

"Kasey, hurry up, we're going to be late" I run out the door with one shoe on and hope that my hair is neat.

"Here" I puff, getting to the car in the nick of time.

"Kasey! Oh my god your hair!" My mom gasps and I reach up to touch it.

"What about it?"

"It looks like you have a rat living in it!" She mouths and puts the car into gear. "Well it's too late now sweetheart, gonna have to put up with it for today" I pull down the things that blocks the sun down and look in the mirror. My ginger hair is neat, clean, gelled in place, very neat.

"Mom! You lie" I say giving her a hard look and she smiles.

"I was just playing with you, I know how worried about this you are, I though it was very funny, didn't you think so Nigel?" She says to my little brother. My little brother!

"Nigel, I thought I could trust you, you could have told me my hair was fine" I say and turn around to him. Oh that's right.

"Mom, will you ever take that doll out of the car, it's getting annoying, I know you want another kid but there is no need to get so worked up about a doll" I say.

"I think it's fine." She says and I sigh. She has had that doll in the car for four years and has convinced me that I have to treat it like its my brother.

"Mom, do you know how uncomfortable those dolls make me feel?" I ask.

"No. How uncomfortable?"

"Allot, I can't say or do anything in this car without that thing watching me it's creepy"

"Well that's nice honey but it's staying" we get to school right then and she waves me out. When I get out of the car I see people, funky looking people, not being judgemental, but they look weird. Like their parents have bred with animals. Just as I Finnish gawking at the people around the siren goes, everyone runs and I realise I am lost, very lost, and the only person who hasn't ran off is the girl with long pants and long sleeves on a summer day.

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