Chapter 1: Hunted

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Snow's P.O.V-

It's late at night and I'm doing the usual, watching YouTube.
But I'm doing so because I can't sleep. I read some vivid creepypasta stories yesterday.
Shame on me for not reading the warning.
Ugh! It makes me so tense because my tiny house is super creaky at night. And when I go to the bathroom, I turn on all the lights, 'til I see the living room. EVERY TIME. But creepy pastas aren't real, and I know this. But it still spooks me, as if Jeff will hunt me down, or Slendy will kidnap me.

I froze as I heard a door slowly open. It must have been my dad coming home from work. was his day off.
I turned my room light on and prepared anime so I didn't freak out. Maybe my dad was at the store! Yep!
I heard running foot steps as my room door swung open fiercely.
I held back a scream.
A pale woman wearing a black dress and a mask that had black lipstick on it, walked in.
Her eyes were black and empty almost....that or the eye holes had felt behind them.
She took my hand and said "hurry up! He's coming for you! Grab some clothes and let's go!" I was so scared and confused, but her urgent tone made me do as she said.....the second time she said that atleast...heh.
"Who is coming?! And who even are you?!" I whispered at her in confusion and fear as I put my bag of clothes on my back.
"I'll explain on the way, but to sum it up, I AM FRICKING SAVING YOU FROM A SADISTIC MURDERER!" She grabbed my arm and pulled me out the door and to the train tracks near my house.
"JUMP ON WHEN I SAY GO!" The strange woman said as a train aproached. "I'm being hunted by a murderer?! Why?! AND TRAIN?! Is this a kidnapping? Look, I don't mean to be a butt...but- I'm not jumping on a train, you wacko!" Suddenly she said 'GO' and I was flung into the moving cart of the train, as she shortly jumped in after me.
"You crazy? I said go, next time listen and jump-" I cut the woman off. "Jump?! I don't even know you! Why did you take me away?!" I yelled, furious and frightened.

She took out some beef jerky and tossed it to me, then took out a packet herself. "What'ch'ya wanna know first kid?." She asked with a look of surender and a sigh.
"Why did you kidnap me? I'm poor, I swear I have no valuables." I muttered that last part to myself.
"I didn't kidnap you, I saved you from a man who was coming to kill you.
I'm sorry that I had to take you, and I'll bring you back when I know for sure he's given up on you."
She took a bite of her beef jerky.
"Ok then. Who are you." I messed with the packet of beef jerky.
"I'm Jane and that murderer's name is Jeff." I looked up.
"You seem familiar...." I looked down thinking hard.
"Does, DON'T GO TO SLEEP, ring a bell?"
It took me a while to put the pieces together. She was Jane The Killer. And I'm being what I feared.
Jeff The Killer.

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