Chapter 2: Jane's house.

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Snow's P.O.V-

I tapped my fingers in a rythmic pattern and sighed. "Where are we going?" I asked, kind of agrovated at this point. Not every day you get kidnapped and thrown on a train.

"We are going to go to my house first, then to the mansion."

"The Creepypasta mansion?" My eyes widened. I'm kinda excited, yet nervous. Like butterflies in my stomach. You know, cause, one, I GET TO SEE THE OTHER CREEPYPASTAS, and two. They are all murder's in some way.

"The Creepypasta mansion? Is that what you humans call it?"
"Well than what are you if you aren't human?"
She sighed and looked at me.
What, is that a weird question to ask?
"I am human, but I go by, a Creepypasta, ok?"

The rest of the train ride was coded in an awkward silence. The air was getting thin, and I got super dizzy, to the point where it forced me into a deep sleep.
When I woke up I was in bed. Must have all been a bad dream.
Wait...this isn't my bed.
Then, this isn't a dream...well shiz.
It seemed to be morning. The room I woke up in was actually pretty nice. The walls were of sky blue, and the carpet almost pure white. The bed was aslo white with blue birds on it.
I wish my room was this nice.
I was super hungry so I got dressed in a white pokemon shirt. It had a kawaii pikachu surrounded by pokeballs.
Yeah, I'm obviously a nerd.
Nothing wrong with that, though.
I put on turquiose athletic shorts and slowly walked out of the room.
I have no idea where to go.
I heard mumbling in a room so I headed toward the noises.
It lead to what looked like the kitchen.
First thing I saw was Jane talking to a girl. She wore a greenish blue hoodie, with the hood down, a white tank top, black pants, and long brown, messy hair. Kinda like mine. Ecept longer.
Her face looked a bit strange. But without my glasses I couldn't tell.
I inched closer. Was Jane holding my glasses? Yes.
Jane turned torward me and walked over to hand me my glasses.
I slid them on as the girl I was looking at earlier strolled over. She looked about 16, 17, maybe even 18.
"She looks normal to me jane" The lady mummered with a tone of annoyance.
When I looked up I thought she was smiling but when I looked again, her mouth seemed to be sticthed into a large grin. I gazed up a bit more and stared at her eyes for a sec.
One of her eyes had been replaced by a small clock. Kinda like the ones on a chain, but without a chain. Her other eye was emerald green.
"She is a normal kid, that's what I'm saying. That's why I expect he'll give up soon." Jane said with a duh expression on her face.
"H-hi it's nice to meet you...Aren't you clockwork?" I said, kinda shaking in excitement. Clockwork is my absolute favorite Creepypasta.
But since she is here, does that mean I'm in the Creepypasta mansion?
I looked around a bit for the others Creepypastas.
"Yes, I'm freaking Clockwork. I have the clock eye? It's obvious."
She replied, even more peeved now. She started glaring at Jane.
"Who cares if Jeff kills 1 person or a million? Just means less people to over populate." Clockwork said to Jane.
"Because she may end up like me and have to stay with us forever. Understand?" Jane folded her arms.
"Ok, ok, I get it. Just make sure Zero and Puppeteer see her with you. They will take her up and make her their play toy if you don't." Clockwork looked at me. "Before you ask, this isn't the mansion. It's Just a big house that Jane, I, and some others live in."
"Who else lives here?" I asked.
I love to Role Play as Clockwork in rps  with friends. Some are online, and some are real life friends.
Clockwork is just as I imagined, annoyed at Jane.
"Well, as you know, Puppeteer and Zero live here. Hoodie also lives here.
That's really all." Clockworks Shrugged.
"Aren't you forgetting Your little friend and cat?" Jane said as she nudged Clockworks.
"Oh yeah, I Have a cat named X, and a friend that Zero helped me make for myself. Her name is Blushue. Though I have another friend that Zero also made, but on her on her own." I gazed at Clockworks "She was born in the medieval times as a queen's toy maker 'til she became corrupted and turned people into dolls, plushies, and puppets, but mostly plushies, and the people are still alive when made them into plushies too, but they can move or die off, they are doomed to only stare at a wall forever. Zero searched for her soul,
placed it in a human she made to look like the original PuppetMaster and brought her back from the dead." I took a deep breath from speaking so fast and long.
"How did you know about PuppetMaster...." Clockwork looked sternly at me.
Clockworks looked from me to Jane.
"Where is Zero.. I need to have her."
Jane Shrugged unknowingly. "Maybe in her lab." Jane said. Clockwork walked away.
"Hungry?" My gaze snapped back to Jane. "Yeah, starved." I fake smiled.

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