You and I

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Sooo here's one song I wrote when I was 12. It's a bit cheesy when I read it again but WTH? I just posted it anyway. ;)

You and I

So close

I almost cried for one last time

The moment you passed by

When you stopped

You said my name

I didn't really realize

That you never really changed.

Because of you

My heart became blue

And was broken down and shattered to a million pieces

But as time pass by

I close my eyes

And think about the moments with only you and I

It was all a dream

Just fantasy

Is this really what my life should be?


Coz everytime I look in your eyes

My world starts to crumble

The life with you wasn't even true

I was feeling lost and sorrow

I don't want this to be

One's life's disaster

A huge roller coaster.

When it starts to rain at night

You're the only one in my mind

Everything, everything reminds me of you

I thought it was just a crush

But I was so deep in love

Everything I felt for you

Was wasted

How could you?

And this is maybe the last time

I look deep into your brown eyes

I looked at you

It felt untrue

I need to breathe and forget about you

Because without you, I'll be just alright. (2x)

Ok like WOAH. I can't believe I was sooo EMO way back then! Haha. XD

To the jerk I knew when I was 12, how's life? Screwed it up yet? HAHA just kiddin.

Note: I'm not being mean! :O Teehee~

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