Chapter 1: Italy

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Bella POV
"Bella it's Edward!" Alice shouts barging into my old home. Lucky me, I hid my suitcases behind the staircase so she didn't see I was moving. But what the hell is she doing back?! Want to ruin my life again?! Oh and EDWARD can go take his "love" and shove it! Using unnoticeable movements I slowly grab my T-phone from Donnie, Mikey named it of course, and was ready in case anything happened. My weapons are still at theirs because of the last fight in between Shredder we had. The war is still raging as Shredders still alive. Noticing I spaced out for half a second I snapped into the Human Bella Swan facade and pretended once again.

"What? Alice, what did you see?" Jerk-ward said in his own words that I shouldn't become an actress and that I'm very bad at it. How wrong he is. I've been acting ever since I came to Forks. That van accident I could have easily executed a back flip over the damn thing, but you've got to remember human Facade not super-adopted-human-ninja-who-has-turtles-for-brothers-and-a-rat-for-a-adoptive-father.

"He's going to the Volturi, he thinks your dead. He wants to die to." Alice informed me. I froze.
Church choirs voices rang through my ears as I fought a very hard battle to keep the smile off my face. Finally! Some good news! I'm doing a happy dance inside and suddenly I feel like cleaning the Dojo! But then I realised, oh lord. She's going to want me to go get him. I sighed inwardly. Excuse not to go? No, it would break Esme's heart. I snatch my coat up in frustration and as we got in the car I discreetly pull out my T-phone and messaged Donnie.
Alice barged in home. Edward in trouble. Edward going to die 0:-) . Going to Italy to save him :'( for Esme only. Back in 3 days. Tell Splinter I'll be late arriving and try and get the Battle shell to pick me up or just get Vernon to do it. Gtg wish me luck.
-Bella xx
I slip the phone back into my pocket and I know Alice didn't see anything. I caught her looking worriedly at my scared body every so often. The scars and the bruises not to mention the broken leg are still there and won't go away for a while. I can limp on my leg, yes it hurts but I'm a ninja! Come on! I looked out the corner of my eye, where she wouldn't notice me watching her.

She was scanning my up and down from the fresh scars on my forehead, cheek, across my eye and busted lip along with the massive bruise on my neck and left eye to my arms decorated with strikes from Shredder and the foots blade's. Next she traveled to my wrist where the two needle holes were from when Donnie injected me and my brotherswith Adrenaline I loved that. Like super caffeine. She traveled her eyes to my leg and they opened wide in amazement when she noticed the deformation her eyes said it all 'what the hell?! Doesn't that hurt?!' She flicked back up to my face and searched for signs of pain, non showed. I decided to put a little show on for her. I lent forward putting my  forearms on my knees and interlacing my fingers before tapping my foot on the broken leg. She gasped.

She definitely thought it would be hurt. Nope. I smiled and laughed inwardly. I never thought I'd see the day is say this but THANK YOU SO MUCH THE HASHI! I OWE YOU ONE!

We finally landed and Alive stole a Porsche, normally I'd hate this type of thing but I remembered my brothers and I did it when we were young. I received a text from Raphael's T-phone. Once again without anyone noticing I pulled out my t-phone where she wouldn't see.

Seriously?! Doesn't that guy ever leave you alone?! You were doing perfectly well with us here in NY! And now your off to Italy! I can't blame ya' and I ain't mad just annoyed at that Edward dude. Sensei and Fenwick are going to pick ya' up in the battle shell. Donnie and Leo have gone one non stop about ya' coming home they won't stop decorating your room, hope ya' like purple and green 'cause that's what your getting.
Mikey's been itching to help but he's doing as ya' told him. Not a good idea to go up against our trained healer 'ey? See ya' soon big sis!

I smiled and put the T-phone away. They all are the best brothers ever and Master Splinter I would put my life on the line for. My mind wandered back to the reaction of the Cullens if they will see me which they probably will do. It's almost funny.
Edward treating me more like glass than a person.
Dr. Cullen bugging me about how it happened.
Esme asking about how I was constantly.
Jasper going on and on about my birthday.
Emmett swinging me up and around in his arms without my permission.
Rosalie scowling  and glaring but looking smug at my injuries.
And Alice just wanting to play dress up. I'm a person not a Barbie doll. Get a life Mrs Brandon.

Then their reaction when they see the battle shell in all of her glory. No that's proper wheels, not a Volvo, not a Mercedes, not a monster truck called a Jeep, not a motorbike, not a convertible and certainly not a Porsche. The Battle shell is the MOTHER of all other wheels and my brother Donatello made it.

The car swerved into the city and I wasn't worried in the slightest. Aro, Marcus and Caius knows about me and my brothers and has called a truce. Aro was like a crazy uncle and Marcus the kind one Caius was the gentleman we've met countless times and they love me like a granddaughter no doubt when Jane, Heidi, Chelsea, Retana, Demitri, Felix and Alec see me they will literally jump into my arms. I missed them all!

"Bella, we don't have much time! Your going to have" She looks down at my leg and gulps I nod at her before opening the door and getting out.

"Where am I going?!" I shout over the hocking of the horse around us she looks warily down at my leg. It's fine I can just run and leap into roof tops if I don't have enough time.

"Under the clock tower. Go!" And with that I slam the door and run for it, I could feel Alice's amazed stares on my back as I run on my bad leg with no difficulty. After I was out of sight I leap up onto a rooftop and charge going at ninja speed putting my arms straight behind me my fingers making a blur trail. I leap and leap onto other roof tops when I reach the square with 30 seconds to spare. I leap to the floor and charge though the fountain. I lean against the door frame waiting for he disappointment I call my ex.

Finally he came around the corner and spotted me.

"I know what your thinking." I say to him. He looks up at me "don't." He seems in dream land until he notices my injuries.

"Bella? What happened to you?" I could feel my 4 broken ribs aching with every breath but it wasn't too much pain. I walk up to him and stare him in the face.

"It's doesn't matter. Don't do what your thinking. I'm very much alive and so are you. Think of Esme and Carlisle. Think of Alice and Jasper and Emmett and Rosalie. You have no reason nor the right to kill yourself so turn around and march right back into that room and apologise to the Volturi leaders for your out burst." He looked at me shocked "DO it Edward or so help me I will--" I began barking orders before I was interrupted by my best friends walking through the door.

"Mr Cullen. Aro wishes to--" Jane begins and then she spots me "BELLA!" A wide smile grows on my face when she charges at me to hug me. I welcome her into my arms. "Ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod! IcantbelieveitsyouIcantbelieveitsyouIcantbelieveitsyou!" She managed at get all that out in one breath, damn vampires she gasps and pulls back. "HEIDI! GO INFORM ARO, MARCUS AND CAIUS ABOUT BELLA BEING HERE! GO GO GO!" Heidi laughs and smiled at me before charging back into the front room. About a minute later she comes back.

"Bella. Aro, Marcus and Caius are ecstatic to see you. Mr Cullen you must come too we still have unsettled business. Mrs Cullen please come out." Alice nervously emerges from the shadows, mirroring the confused and shocked expression on Edwards face. Heidi and Jane link into my arms and guide me to an ecstatic Retana and Chelsea almost bouncing up and down. Felix is acting like a three year old jumping up and down almost breaking the concrete with Demitri and Alec charging at me with full force and locking me in their arms. With Alice and Edward under a watchful eye and me trapped between many best friends we walk into the main room.

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