Chapter 2: Cullens

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Bella POV
"Isabella!" Aro cheered gleefully as he almost ran up to me and hugged me. The hug was awkward as Jane and Heidi had a firm grip on me taking my weight because of my leg.

"Hello Aro, Marcus, Caius," they smiled warmly at me "forgive me for my rudeness and I love to see you all again but is there a reason we were called back? I have to go recover as you can see I took quite the beating." The leaders looked me up and down eyes widening and scowling at my injuries.

"We wanted to address the situation about the Cullens breaking the rule. However we didn't know you were the human we were informed of. You do seem pretty beaten down, we would ask you if we could tend to your wounds but you have it covered! Knowing you, you'll be healed in under six months! Please do not be worried about offending us, we heard about some shot of disturbance but we had no idea it was this bad so we invited you back. Do not worry, the Cullens are free to go and so are you. Please Isabella visit soon and heal quickly!" Caius and Marcus took off of their thrones and locked me in their arms.

Before I knew it, I was limping out the door with Edward and Alice next to me. Everything was just as it was on the ride to Volteria. Edward and Alice glancing at my little "gifts" from my enemy's with worried glances. I saw Edward looking at my perfectly sculpted muscular figure with a shocked and amazed look. It's true, my biceps have grown and they are bulking out of my shirts selves. The front of my shirt hangs where I used to have weight filling it. Now they're isn't anything but muscles there.

The plane ride was over and I could see Edward wanting to touch my arm or to wrap his arm around me but the look in my eyes said I was far away so he restrained himself. When we landed I pulled out my T-phone again and no one noticed once again. I decided to message Fenwick since him and Master Splinter are picking me up. In the battle shell hashtag happy dancing inside.
We walked out the front of the building and waiting there was the Cullen family. I was holding my own weight now but the pain killers I took to take off the pain were wearing off. My leg was starting to hurt and my ribs are killing me. Esme gasped at sight of me and as we walked closer to them she met me half way.
She cupped my face in her hand and looked up and down at me, with dry tears in her eyes. Dr. Cullen took Esme's place turning my head side to side gently.

"Bella, what happened to you?" Rosalie, Emmett and Jasper made their way over to us. Rosalie covered her mouth in shock at my injuries.

"Nothing of importance Dr. Cullen. Thank you for your concern but it is unnecessary." I said in a calm sophisticated manor. They looked at me shocked at my tone, I used to be informal to them. Treat them like family but I just can't do that anymore. Esme looked at Edward confused and something I'd never see in Esme outraged. When I say outraged I mean down right livid.

"Edward Anthony Mason Cullen, WHAT in the world did you say to her?" Esme walked up to Edwrad everyone was looking shocked but me. I can hide my emotions well. Really well. "Bella, come on. Let's go to our house and we can talk there." Esme coaxed, I shook my head not moving my legs at all.

"Sorry, Mrs Cullen. I'm not going back to Forks." They all gasped "I'm going home. Back to the place I was found."

"Found?" Jasper looked at me confused. I nodded.

"I am afraid I haven't been completely honest with you. Charlie isn't my father. I never knew my parents. Charlie is a friend of my adoptive father. Sadly at the place I was adopted"-I sniggered a little-"I could not receive a proper education," it was almost true! We live in the sewers...not much school there is there? "so I came to live with Charlie for the education. As of a few weeks ago I came back in contact with my four adoptive brothers and their sensei who is also our adoptive father and also their friends Vernon Fenwick and April O'Neil. They live in New York so I'm going to move in with them." They looked on the verge of tears.

"Well, I still get to see you right?" Alice said worried. I looked at her with a certain look. "Right?" I shook my head.

"Sorry, Alice. No. My future will disappear from your sight and the address I'm moving to is unlisted. All of my ties to people in Forks and La Push will be cut and the only way of contact is when Charlie has my number memorised and it changes constantly. Quote it will be like I've never even existed. And unlike the last time those words were spoken this promise will be carried through. Isabella Marie Swan will vanish." Alice had her arms locked around me tightly in under an instant.

"Please, Bella. Don't go!" Alice wines in my ear. I sighed and rubbed her back before I hear a familiar car horn.
Da da da daaaaa da! Da da da daaaa! Da-da-da-da!
We are never letting Michelangelo choose the car horn again. Ever. And with that the battle shell pulls up in front of us. The door slides open and Vernon Fenwick jumps out with April O'Neil.

"April! I didn't expect you! Raph told me Fenwick and Sensei." I smiled at her and Alice pulled back scowling and growling at April. April blatantly ignored Alice and gave me the sarcastic 'Are you serious?' Look.

"You didn't tell me you were off to Italy! Splinter had to tell me!" She crossed her arms over her chest and mock glared at me.

"Hey! I didn't know until the day I was going!" She raised an eye brow at me "Okay! Okay! Sorry I messaged Donnie and not you, I didn't think it would matter. Forgiven?" She smiled and walked over to me.

"Always. Hey, aren't those pain killers wearing off?" I glared at her, the sudden reminder sent pain bulging through my body.

"You had to remind me huh?" I squeaked. Her eyes widened and she put my arm around her shoulder and took my weight off my legs.

"Vernon! Her broken ribs!" Fenwick dashed to my side and took my other arm and pulled it over his shoulder. I was almost lifted off the ground but I was heavier than that. Muscle weight. I was carried into the battle shell where my father, Sensei, Master Splinter was sitting hidden in the dark corner. April and Vernon got in the front two seats while I was layed down on the make shift bed in the back. Master Splinter moved to sit by me he stroked my hair with his paw and handed me two painkillers and a glass of water.

"Thank you, Sensei." I took the pills and swolled them down in one go. I set the glass aside and Master Splinter put a needle of IV in my arm, set a heart rate monitor next to me.

"Sleep now, my daughter. Your brothers will be more than happy to see you and welcome you home in a heartbeat. But you are injured. Rest now dear daughter." He stroked my hair soothingly with his paw continuously.

"Hai Sensei." I said before drifting into a dreamless sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2016 ⏰

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