Chapter 2[Mysterious Mystery]

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"WHATTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!" I yelled to the top of my lungs, everyone heared me, but they all went back to their business.

"Keep you're voice down, shesh!" she hushed me "But...b-but, HOW?" I said trying to stay as quiet as possible, " I have no idea, I heared it one day out of the blue" she replied back " how long ago did you hear that" I said "just about a week ago" she said " and you didn't text me about this" I said back "I didn't want to ruin you're summer break. Okay?" she said back raising a brow "well you ruined my school year instead of my stupied summer break" I said back angerly "well, sorry..." she said as she started to giggle "what's so fun" I said as I looked at her. " Well, hmmm, let me think... You're face" she replied as she giggled some more " stop, this is serious" I said back trying to hold back my laughter. Which I failed horribly. Not knowing someone special is looking at me while smiling.

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$[AT SCHOOL]$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

We finally arrived at school. Linda and I went straight to the library that is where we meet our little group of friends, we're called The Cuatro 'cause we are only four, We have always done this every year where we meet in the library every morning, just me, Linda,Beth, and Alex. "let's pick up our pace a little bit" Linda said " I agree" I replied back as we picked up our speeds.

We got to our destinations. Linda and I looked around the library to see where the girls are I spotted Alex waving her hands. "There they are" I said as I pulled Linda to the table where the girls are, Linda and I sat down next to eachother facing the girls, " What happened OVER summer between Jasper and Emma, care to explain!" I said, more like demanded.

" I see Linda has already told you" Alex said, Alex has short Black hair, hints of freakles, braces, sky blue eyes, and is the tallest one of us being 5'6, we think it is because all of the sport activities she does in and out of school. She is very tan, considering she plays in the sun a lot.

"Linda, you weren't suppose to tell her that, well, at least not yet" Beth said, Beth is actually a nikename her REAL name is Bethany, Beth has medium lengthed brunette hair that has natural beach waves textured to it, she has the blackest eyes I have ever seen, her other nikename is blackhole because of her eyes, Beth has a beauty mark at the corner of her right eye, she is the shortest of us all, standing at only 4'9", she has very pale skin.

And then there is me with cotton pink dyed hair, it's natural color was a very dark brunette, I have a lip piersing, and nose piersing, I am planing on getting a belly button piersing soon as well, I have bold and daring brown eyes, I have fair skin and a beauty mark on my left shoulder, I stand at 5'0" and I only wear mascara and sometimes eyeliner, I love music, and art. I am like the odd one in the box, since my style of clothes aren't the same as the girls.But they still accept because they look at someones personality and at the same time we are childhood friends. All of us.

"Sorry guys, but my skin was itching to tell her, I never keep a secret that she needs to know about" Linda replied back to what the girls said earlier. " The important thing isn't why Linda told me, but Why didn't you guys.... and is there other things that happened between them other than Emma being pregnant, like Jasper proposing to Emma." I said trying to lighten up the mode by saying the last part sarcastically, the chuckled and all said in unision 'no'.

"Zephiane, you always lighten up the mode some how, how do you do it." Alex said, "I guess it's just natural talent." I said acting all sassy, they laughed. " Now it is serious talk." I said as I got there attention. "Well from what we girls know, Jasper got Emma pregnant ' cause they went to a party 3 weeks ago, but some clearly stated that when they talked to Jasper that he was very sober and some said that they saw Emma flirting with this guy from a diffrent school, but we can't be sure if what people said is true they could possibly just want to gossip around" Beth said " I guess that could be true, but the only way to find out is to ask Jasper or Emma themselves" I said and then right on que at the corner of my eyes I see Jasper entering the library.

I stand up and call Jasper to come over, I did by the way get a 'Lower your voice down from the librarian'. Jasper heared my call and started to walk to our table, once he reached our table I asked him my question. "Is it true you got Emma pregnant?" I asked in a stern and bold voice, "why are you jealous?" he said, I heared my girls giggle at his statment "Puh-lease, that won't happen, just answer the question." I said, lieing through my own teeth that I'm not jealous when I am actually jealous, I saw hurt in his eyes for a split second, but it vanished pretty fast, "Yes, I did. Did you just know?" he said rubbing the back of his neck, he only does this when he is lying or nervous, or sometimes both, "something is fishy about you." I said not even answering his question. "Uh... Well I'll see you guys later than" he said, something is defiantely fishy, there is pieces of puzzles that are missing I need to know what those missing pieces are and pronto.

I watched him as he vanished into the hallways, " I'll see you girls later too, I have a mystery to solve." I said " Detective Zephiane has been activated" Linda said as she winked at both of them. I walked out into the hallways and went to solve the mysterious mystery[LOL].

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2016 ⏰

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