Chapter 4

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      When Icepaw got to where his clan was resting and worrying he when strait for his leader, LightningStar.
      "LightningStar, I have found territory only there's a cat that already lives there he said he wants to join the clan but I'm not sure if it's true." Icepaw mewed.
       "Very well, you have done amazing work we  can outnumber this cat if we need and chase him off, we need this territory."
        "Also you should now that a lot from NightClan helped me very much, shall I send him home."
         "May I speak with this kit?"
          "Yes I will bring him to you." Icepaw padded toward the kit then silently asked.                  
        "What's your name I never asked?"
        "I'm Leafkit, what's yours?"
         "I'm Icepaw. Come on my leader should like to see you." Leafkit quickly padded toward LightningStar. Then they both quietly spoke.
          "Icepaw, Leafkit bring us to the territory!"
The two cats lead the clan through the forest to the Tanning rocks, Icepaw helped carry the kits and even Leafkit carried a kit. Leafkit is way to big to still be a kit. Excited and nervous chatters arose through the clan, they had reached the tanning rocks.
            "Leafkit lead them through the pond I will go to the back and help the elders and queens." Icepaw instructed. He went to the back and told the elders and queens what they are going to do. He helped each elder walk from stone to stone. Then did the same with the queens carefully carrying kits. When they reached the part where there was no more rocks he instructed then on how to wade through the water safely. Eventually they all reached the other side. They saw what could be their new territory.
"Grrrr.... You didn't think I would give up that easily." The loner cat from earlier emerged from the shadows. Icepaw sprinted up and pounced on him. They rolled over and Icepaw drew his claws through his belly. The cat yowled in pain and Icepaw took another strike. The cat recovered quickly and scratched Icepaw's ear. Icepaw bit the side of his neck and the cat yowled and escaped from his grip and ran into the shadows.

     "Icepaw that was amazing!!!!" "Go Icepaw"
"Ya Icepaw!!!" The rest of the clan was cheering like crazy! He was a hero!

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