A Much Better Version of the Previous One

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Surprise, surprise. Im updating this piece of shit because I'm revolted at how terribly written the original is; enjoy.


You sigh softly as you pull into your parking spot at school. It's Monday and you really are NOT in the mood to deal with this bullshit. You grab your stuff and get out of the car, locking it before walking to the school.

Once you get in, you head to your locker and put in a textbook and a couple folders for later, then you close it and turn to walk to your first period. While doing so, you bump into someone.

"Sorry!" you exclaim, looking at them. It's your friend, Karkat Vantas, he scowls at you and you notice some of his stuff fell during the collision.

"It's fine, just watch where you're fucking going, (y/n)." he says in a surprisingly calm-ish tone. You nod and help him pick up his things, then you part paths.

You go throughout the day without incident, eating lunch with Karkat and your other friends who have the same lunch period. Once the bell rings for the end of school, you're mentally exhausted. You grab your stuff and head back to your car, then start driving back home. You spot Karkat walking and you pull over and stop a little in front of him.

"Hey, Nubs, want a ride?" you call out to him. He blushes and scowls, but gets in the passenger seat anyway. You pat his cheek and give him a fake pout. "NubNub, don't scowl, honey. You're going to ruin that pretty little face of yours~!" he smacks your hand away, growling.

"I didn't get in this stupid, piece-of-shit car to be harassed by you! Stop babying me!" he pauses just long enough for you to laugh and get back on the road. "And don't call me 'Nubs' or 'NubNub', it's mean and degrading." he mumbles. You barely hear him over the noise from the car.

"Hey, I didn't mean it like that... I was just poking fun and being friendly. I'll stop calling you that if it bothers you, okay?" you say, glancing over at him. He nods, then looks out the window.

You heave out a sigh and the rest of the drive is silent. You pull into his driveway and he grabs his bag and opens the door.

"Do you want to come in?" he asks. You nod and get out of the car, then lock it once Karkat is out. You both walk up to the door and he opens it, walking in, you trailing behind him.

"Welcome home, Karkat!" Signless calls from the living room after the door shuts. Karkat calls out a small "hey" and goes upstairs to his room while you walk over to Signless.

"Hi, Signless, just wanted to let you know Karkat invited me in since he obviously wasn't going to tell you," you say as you bow to him. He smiles and nods his head at you.

"Thank you, (y/n), I appreciate it."

You smile back at him then go to head up to Karkat's room, but you get stopped by Kankri as you go to open Karkat's door.

"Oh, hello, (y/n), I didn't realize you were here," he says to you, obviously not interested, but trying to be polite.

"Hey, Kankri, yeah, Kar-" you get cut off by Karkat pulling you into his room.

"I invited (her/him/them),  don't bother us." The door slams shut after Karkat finishes his sentence and he turns to you slightly scowling, letting his distaste for his dancestor show.

"Karkat, he was just trying to be polite, you didn't have to slam the door on him like that!" You say, slightly annoyed at being thrown into his room so quickly. Karkat rolls his eyes and waves off the statement with a small 'I don't give a shit.' He begins to rummage through his closet for God knows what, so you walk over and sit next to him. "Why're you so quiet today? Is something wrong?" He sighs and continues looking for a second before pulling out a DVD.

Karkat x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя