Author's Note Preface

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Thanks for taking an interest in my book, I know you're wanting to read Zach and Cade's story, so I'm going to be as quick as possible. Firstly, this book is mine, mine, mine. ALL MINE. Please don't take what isn't yours and claim it as your own. That's rude. And illegal.

Due to the fact that it's illegal to use a song's lyrics without consent from copyright owners (and usually a lot of coinage to go along with it), I will only be referencing songs by title and group. Feel free to quote it in the comments though. If it's a really amazing song or something I insist y'all check out, I'll post a video in the chapter.

Any and all words that need translating to English or needs pronunciation clarification will always be at the end of the chapter!

As per usual, I'm writing for my enjoyment. If you happen to like it too, that's great. If you don't, well, If you can't hang, then there's the door! Be gone! No, seriously, listen to Mr. Quinn and skedaddle. my books are hater-free zones and i hope you respectfully keep them so. i don't mind cursing or innuendo in the comments but slurs and bullying and such are a no-go and i will delete them and block your Mean Girls wannabe arse. yes, that's right, i'll be watching my comments, i'm the author after all. it's a gay romance, it says so in the description, if you can't deal with two amazing men falling in forever-love, pack up your bigotry and don't let the door hit you where the deities split you on the way out. thank you ever so much.

Everyone else, have fun meeting Zach and Cade. xo Maggie

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