Chapter One

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A/N - Because I had a total and complete mental breakdown during Camp NaNoWriMo, I didn't do much in the terms of writing. But I feel as if I owe my followers a chapter of SOMETHING. Even if it's not ACHP. The Mechanic's Barista is actually a slow WIP, but I love the concept behind it so it will be written. I'm publishing it today, June 1st, in celebration of Pride. Did you know June 1st is Homosexual Pride Day? I'm pansexual, so my day isn't until the 5th. I'm going to St. Pete Pride this month since it's on my birthday. 'Kiss me, I'm Pan'! No? Okay.

** I actually spent my summers as a kid in the Watertown area with my maternal family, I especially spent loads of time on my great-uncle's farm in Black River and at Shuler's back before my aunt and uncle sold the place. I haven't returned to New York since my Great-Uncle died in March 2006 so a lot of my information on the area is outdated, please don't give me too much grief over it, okay? Thanks.


"Here you go, Ceri. One large iced coffee, three shots espresso, a dash of soymilk, one pump of agave nectar, and two pumps of açai." I said as I passed a lime green pastry box and a matching to-go cup over the counter to my best friend of the past twenty years. "And I threw in a couple of my blueberry scones for you, too."

"Thanks, Zach. You do know how to spoil a girl, don't you?" she laughed and ran a hand through her platinum blonde pixie cut before taking the box from me. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"I've already put some treacle tarts on hold for you." I replied, pausing to pass a carafe of milk to my newest employee as he stumbled through creating a strawberry-caçao Kafrieze for one of our regulars. "One to three, Jace. Then, pumps and shots. Blend and ice it."

"Right. Sorry, Zach." the teen nervously chuckled, grabbing the milk and following the instructions.

I watched the timid teen as he flittered about behind the counter, trying to make himself seem smaller than he already was, I think he might have reached five feet, maybe.

"That boy is just so skittish, Zach. He flinches anytime someone over the age of ten looks at him."

"I know, I'm trying to work with him on it, but he's not too talkative about anything. I'll probably need a crowbar and duct tape to get any real face time with the kid."

Ceri gave an undignified snort before laughing outright at me. "I'm pretty sure that constitutes kidnapping, honey."

"It's only kidnapping if it's harmful. This would be a forcible intervention."

"And on that note, I'm going to go. Bye, Jace! Love you, Zach!" Ceri laughed as she turned and walked out of my coffee shop.

I shook my head and laughed as I went about tidying up the work area in the lull of traffic. My café, The Green Bean, was nearly always busy, so I took full advantage of any and all spare moments to get things done without said things getting in the way.


"Yeah, Jace?" I asked, turning to the kid. Who is holding a milk carafe upside down?

"W-We're completely out of soy milk and agave nectar." the timid teen informed me as he shook the upside-down carafe for emphasis.

Crap. I slammed my face into the palm of my hand. I forgot to go shopping. I looked at the kid and made a quick decision. "I forgot to do the shopping Sunday night, Jace. I'll just have to run out and do it now before we run out of anything else. Which means you'll be holding down the fort alone."

"Um, right. Yeah. Sure thing, Zach. I'll be fine. Yeah, fine." the young man replied, trying to put on a brave front and completely failing.

"Anybody comes in asking for something we're missing, give them a free muffin. I'll be as quick as possible." I called on my way out the door. Poor guy, I feel so bad doing this to the kid. I'll have to remember to pay him double for today.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2017 ⏰

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