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I lock my large front door , making sure my alarm was set (being in my position you can never be too careful) and head for my car .

I go to soul's  preforming arts , even though I am a hitman I love to rap and I also do pretty well in a majority of my other studies.

On my way to school I thought about my mission.... Seokjin......That name felt so familiar, maybe he is famous I don't know.

I combed my hand though my hair as I parked my car in the college parking lot.

Everyday was the same.

people new I was gay, yet every morning I would get a herd of girls (and boys) surrounding me.

Don't get me wrong the attention is nice but , sometimes my assassin instinct  kicks in and I just wanna straight up shoot my way to my first class.

A/N me AF when I'm angry ^^

After I managed to get past the Herd of fans and horny ass college students, I made my way over to my first class.

I walked into the class and sat down next to my friends, I didn't have many but they were close and I was happy to have them.

I sat down between Yoongi who was sleeping (as always) and Taehyung who was flirting with a raven haired boy.

I unpacked my things quietly not wanting to wake up Yoongi Hyung, of all the years I've known him I woke him up once and never did it again (not that he himself was scary the fact that his threats were so creative it was creepy ).

Taehyung continued to flirt, cracking cheesy ass pick up lines and making the raven haired boy giggle.

As the bell rang students poured in, a tall and may I say got daym sexy hazel haired male sat next to the Raven one, I gave him a smile which he returned complemented with blushing face.

Hey-hey I still got it, I leaned back in my chair and watched the teacher walk in. she noticed Yoongi was sleeping so the next thing she did couldn't have been more of a worse thing to do.

She slammed her books on the table making most of the class jump and Yoongi well he did what he usually did when someone woke him up.

He stood up not giving a crap who he was talking to, he lifted his head up (his eyes still closed) rubbing his temple and said....

" I swear to Jesus fucking Christ has no one in this school learnt not to wake me the fuck up, I swear I will grab my ruler and shove it so far up the next person that wakes me up ass that they will permanently not be able to walk and then just to make sure they will never wake me up again I'll push them into a volcano while praying and thanking god that they will never walk this earth again"

"Now who the fuck woke me up"
Yoongi open his eyes to a shocked teacher and a class full of students laughing there ass off.

"Oh fuck" Yoongi looked at me and Taehyung then back at the teacher.

He watched as she slowly took her glasses off " Yoongi I don't think I have to explain why I need to give you a detention now do I" .

He looked at me once more before looking back at Miss Hann "no miss you don't ".

Miss Hann put away her glasses "good , now I am going to get on with the lesson and pretend I never heard what came out of your mouth"

Yoongi sat back down and looked at me "dude why the fuck didn't you stop me"

I just continued to laugh " I was having to much fun watching you slayin that teacher without even knowing"

Seconddddddd chapterrrrrr
Omg I actually really love this one bc Yoongi is soo me when someone pissed me off

Anyway I hope you like that chapter and I will make an effort to update regularly.

Thnx for reading ^^

- Parisxx

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