Chapter 21

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Hey you guys!! OVER 810 READS NOW! Great. Can someone please tell me how to make a cover for my book? I would really appreciate it!

Also, has anyone ever got a description of the EarthClan camp? XD well here it is: the camp is a big clearing surrounded by alternating sycamore and oak trees. There are also various HUGE boulders around camp, and they have sparkly bits in them like granite does. The leaders den is a cave in the boulders, and it is high up (but trust me, its very solid and won't collapse) and the warriors den and apprentices dens are both big gorse thickets. The nursery is a cave that is surrounded with brambles. The medicine den is also a cave with a water pool in it. The elders den is an abandoned fox den underground but has an old log next to it that is free for cats to sun themselves on. The entrance to the camp is a bramble thicket on the outside (the entrance is hidden). You come through the brambles and then it is a rock tunnel that gradually gets larger as you go in, with a soft earth floor. Then you come through some ferns, and there's the camp!

Additional info: Patchkit / Springkit are 2 moons old now.

Also... I have no idea how, but I messed up my cover and I can't fix it!!! PLEASE HELP!


The sun was high in the sky on another day in the forest. The brown and broken leaves of leaf-bare littered the campground. Frost glittered on the boulders that stood around the edges of EarthClan's home. Patrols were long gone, and Dawnstar was sunning himself beside the queens. The kits were skidding across the cold ground on acorns, playing a game with them that they called Acorn Battle.

Springkit kicked a fat brown acorn at her brother Patchkit. It flicked him in the ear. "Ha! Missed me, Springkit!"

The little dappled she-cat growled in an adorable way. "Her comes another one, furball!" She whacked it with her paw and it hit her brother square in the chest. Patchkit twirled around on a hind paw and fell onto his back. Springkit leaped on top of him and they stirred up the acorns and leaves on the ground.

"Quiet, kits!" Their mother Mistyfur intervened when an acorn hit her in the belly. "Just keep playing over there, alright! Or go listen to the elders about the Ancient Clans, okay?"

"But we wanna be warriors like Thrushfall," Patchkit complained.

"Well, warriors don't play Acorn Battle and then hit their mothers with acorns!" Mistyfur purred. "Now, go." The kits grumbled and dragged their tails across the clearing.

Dawnstar looked at Squirrelcloud. "Almost ready for  your kits, I see?"

It was true. The calico she-cat looked like she was going to explode, and she was late with having her kits. Cherryfoot had said it was normal, though. Squirrelcloud looked at Dawnstar. "Oh, yes! I wish they would just be born already." She looked like she hadn't slept in days.

"Glad to hear it," he replied. "Ringpool, when are you moving back into the warrior's den?"

"Hopefully in the next few sunrises," the dark she-cat replied. "I haven't seen Skypelt in a while, either."

"I'll tell him to visit you when he gets back." It was chilly outside; he fluffed up his tawny fur. "Well, you guys had better get inside, especially Squirrelcloud."

"Oh, but it's way to hot in there," Squirrelcloud groaned. "How about we all just get in a big pile and stay out here?" Ringpool and Mistyfur purred and sat next to her. Dawnstar left after that.

Suddenly, a familiar scent hit his nose. BeachClan! This came with the crumble of freezing stones from under the paws of rival cats, and the quiet yelps of pain from the bramble thicket entrance. Then, four cats crashed through the entrance. Dawnstar recognized from Gatherings the pelts of Leafshine, Salmonrun, Quailpaw, and Pikestorm.

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