Son Gohan

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A baby's cries rang through the thick of the woods. Every creature, from the tiniest ant, to the largest dinosaur, seemingly froze in its tracks as the howling increased.

The sound emanated from a single dome shaped home, complete with two additional ground level rooms. The segmented house lay nestled in a clearing of woods. The depleating sun was framed just above the horizon, creating a lovely pastel colored sky. To its left a gentle current flowed, sparkling in the evening sun, filled with a variety of fish, and other mystic creatures.

The newborn's cries continued to break the peacefullness of the evening. Mingled with the cries of the babe, an older, deeper voice rang out; "I'll take care of him ChiChi!"

With only a towel wrapped around his waist, the young father made his way upstairs, to his wailing son.

The kid seemed to cry almost every hour! Whether it was time for a feeding, a diaper change or just for some companionship, it seemed there wasn't a moment's peace! Goku even cut down on his morning routine just to stay and help with the baby. He certaintly didn't want to leave his hardworking wife to do all the drudgery.

Once Goku approached the crib, his complaints had ceased. He carefully picked up the wailing bundle and placed Gohan in his much stronger, battle worn arms. Immediatley the crying ended . "You know, even if you can be quite a handful-" before the man could finish, the little bundle's nose began to crinkle, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. A soft, admiring smile played onto Goku's lips. 'It's almost like he can actually understand me...' Letting out a soft chuckle, he began again, "Hey, at least give me a chance to finish! Sheesh!"

At this playful scolding, the troublesome infant decided to give his dad a chance. "Anyway," he continued, the same smile glued to his face, "no matter how much of a handful you are, you'll always be my son, and I'll always be there for you." As he gently held Gohan in his right arm, he brought up his free hand to stroke the small onyx frizz that grew from little Gohan's head. The baby let out a tiny moan. Happy to recieve his fathers loving and protective touch.

Within a few minutes, the child lay sleeping in his father's arms. His heart swelled with pride and love for this tiny human. So innocent, and helpless-"Goku!" His wife's voice broke his thoughts. "I called you for dinner three times already!" His wife leaned on the doorway, admiring the sight before her. "And where are your clothes, mister? You can't eat dinner in just a towel!" She said teasingly, while giving a small laugh."I'm sorry Chichi. I was just so caught up with Gohan!" The elder Saiyan explained. He scratched the back of his head timidly, while flashing one of his famous grins. "Oh Goku.." Was all Chichi replied. Who could stay mad at him? She stealthy walked over and placed a gentle kiss on her beloved husband's cheek.
The End.

Author's Note: I wrote this nearly a year ago (late August 2015) and have been writing (fluffy) one shots ever since. However, this is my 1st publish! I hope you enjoyed :)

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