October 31st, 2012

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The house shook with the beat of the music, and the fog maker clothed everyone in a sheen of mist, oiling up the couples grinding against each other on the makeshift dance floor. If it wasn't for my alcohol induced state, I'd probably scoff at all the girls dressed as cats and mice. I liked to believe that my DIY firewomen costumer was pretty fucking awesome. I'm not gonna lie to you and say it wasn't slutty, because it was. It was just more original. My skin tight spandex showed off my sculpted yoga body, and my low-cut white tank and red suspenders showed off my boobs. The fireman hat was just an added touch. I didn't normally do frat parties (I was getting quite tired of them), but Halloween was an exception. The frats at my school always threw the best halloween parties, and I couldn't be the only one of my friends not to go. My roommates Allie, Reese and Lindsey were all here, and we all went as firewomen. Although, at the moment I was unable to locate any of the three. So much for the buddy system.

My mind was quickly becoming groggy. This was the fun part. I just wanted to find a cute boy, and get hot and heavy on the dance floor. I looked around, searching for a stand alone guy. Unable to find one in the room serving as the dance area, I made my way toward the other side of the house. Reaching the kitchen, I finally spotted Reese. She was pressed up against a counter, between a guys legs, as he whispered in her ear.

I walked up, not really caring that she was busy.
"Reese!" I yelled over the pounding of the music.

"Wren! Hello I'm a little busy!" She screamed back.

I shrugged, not at all bothered by her reaction. My roommates and I had all agreed to give each other space if one of us was getting a little action if you know what I mean. But I of course had to break that pact because I was alone. In fact, I was beginning to get a little annoyed at my coming predicament and so I moved to fill up a cup from the keg.
Once I had my beer, I settled into a seat at one of the tables to avoid being jostled by the passing crowds. There, I sat by myself for what seemed like hours. I had downed the whole cup plus another and was moving for a third when a rough hand clasped my elbow. My skin prickled when a warm breath brushed against the back of my neck.

"Hey, take it easy tiger. You won't be having fun at this party if you're puking all night in the bathroom".

I turned, coming face to face with an unfamiliar guy. He was on the tall side, maybe an inch or two over six feet and his green eyes and dirty blonde hair showcased a sculpted face.

I tried to hide the affect his looks had on me when I said, "I'm already not having fun at this party, and drinking my way into oblivion seems the better option than moping my way through the party".

He smiled, indifferent to my crassness. "You're gonna try and tell me you haven't been moping the past 30 minutes?".

"I wouldn't say moping. Maybe sulking, but definitely not moping".

"Whatever you say....I'm sorry I don't catch your name".

I stuck out my hand, "I'm Wren".

He scrunched his nose. "Like the bird?"

"Yes like the bird. Do you have a problem with that?"

He chuckled, "No ma'am. It was just a question".

"Fine. What's your name asshole?"

"Ouch. Barely met me 2 minutes ago and you're already calling me an ass. Why with the stick up your ass?"

"No stick, just done with all the bull that comes with these parties".

He smiled and stuck his hand out, "Nolan."

"I'd say its nice to meet you Nolan, but I'm really not a liar".

"Dance with me". The random statement caught me off guard and I stared at him.


"Yes, seriously, do you not know how to dance?"


"Come on Wren, dance with me", he said, extending his hand.

I sighed, chugged down the rest of the beer in my cup and grabbed his hand. He clasped my hand in his and pulled us through the house to the dance floor. Once we got there, he tugged us toward the middle and pulled me flush against him. My back was towards him, and as he began to grind himself against me, I could feel his excitement growing. We danced chest flush to back for an endless amount of songs, every once in a while having him lean down to whisper how turned on he was in my ear.

Finally, he spun me around and pulled us chest to chest. We were both sweating and breathing heavily. He ran his hands up and down my back, arms, shoulders and finally ended on my bottom, pulling us impossibly closer. I reciprocated, tugging on his damp shirt and running my fingers through his hair. I wanted him to kiss me. So, so bad. I was so turned on it was crazy, and I could feel that he was too. I leaned in, wanting to taste him and pressed my hot lips against his. It was like an instant spark shot through me as we frantically kissed. Our tongues battled, and my hands were moving all over his body. He was seemingly unsatisfied as he grabbed me and practically ran off the dance floor. We made to the bathroom and pushed each other inside.

He closed the door, pushing me against the wall, and pulled down each of my suspenders, cupping my chest. I ran my hands over his crotch, flexing my hand to show my pleasure. He moaned, and I moaned back. Nolan moved to lift my shirt over my head when the door burst open with none other than Lindsey. She laughed, and walked out. I sighed.

"We can't do this here."

"Wren, I want this".

"Me too, but we should go somewhere more private".

"Okay, your place?"


After fixing my suspenders and shirt, we headed out of the frat house. Practically running, we made the short walk to my apartment feel like mere seconds, and when I got the door open Nolan attacked my mouth once again.

It was a battle to see who could get their clothes off faster. I was in my bra and underwear and he was in his briefs by the time we made it to the couch. He leaned over me, pushing me into the cushions as he kissed my neck.

Things were starting to spin around me. From pleasure? Not quite sure. I was beyond lightheaded and my stomach was beginning to churn from the movement of the world around me.

"Nolan", I panted.

"What baby?"

"Nolan I think I'm gonna puke".

"Wait what?"

At that moment I dashed for the bathroom, barely making it in time to get to the toilet. In a second I was emptying the contents of my stomach, crying as I retched. I could vaguely feel someone gather my hair and hold it, rubbing my back. I only puked more.

Eventually, I was able to lay my head on the floor as the dizziness stopped, being replaced by black spots. Quickly, I passed out.

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