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It was unexpected.

A cold gust of air woke me up. The sound of a scream filled my ear drums. I opened eyes, my head was still on Avi's lap. He was asleep. I looked over at Scott who was also asleep.

It looked outside to see that the sun was slowly rising. I heard another scream. I lifted my head off of Avi's lap. I looked at the front window. What I saw was a woman running. Running from a mob of creatures. She wasn't getting any closer. "Avi?" I whisper-shouted, tapping on his shoulder. He didn't respond. I tapped him again. He was starting to slowly wake up. Then another scream came through the air, making him jolt up.

Scott began to stir in his sleep and another scream woke him right up. We all got up and looked out of the window to see her run faster but it was no use. She looked right at us as she was mauled, right in front of us. "Oh my god!" I covered my mouth in shock.

Her screams became louder and she was still looking at us. Installing guilt into each one of us. We were all standing there wide eyed as we watched this. We couldn't look away. We should've but we didn't.

We watched her transformation into one of those things. Her eyes began to get paler from what could see. Her skin looked irritated and scarred. It's like her veins were inflamed and began to be more visible. She was gone. She joined the hoard and they all began coming our way. "Oh no. Fuck. What are we going to do?" Scott asked in a panicked tone.

Out of nowhere, the sound of a huge explosion went off from the direction we came from. The entire hoard ran right past the RV like we weren't even there. We watched as they ran like maniacs to where the sound was coming from. They continued to run till we couldn't see them anymore. "What the fuck just happened?" Avi finally spoke.

"I have no clue." I answered. "Let me check if the news has any about this." I pulled my phone out of my pocket and switched it on.

There were so many news reports about deaths and the statuses of the bases. So far they were all vacant. I found an article that reported the behaviours of these zombies. "I found something." I scanned the article. "It says that the zombies are attracted to sound."

"I can't tell whether that's a good thing or a bad thing." Avi spoke as he crossed his arms as he sat on the couch.

"I'm still reading, hold on." I continued to scroll through. "It says anything from a sneeze to an explosion can attract them."

"Great." Avi sarcastically spoke. "How far are we from the coast?" He asked.

I checked up on my maps. "We're half way there." I looked outside and saw we were near a huge town.

"Maybe we can find a new form of transport in that town down there or maybe just a place to stay." Scott pointed to the town ahead of us.

"How do we know it's safe?" I questioned nervously.

"There's only one way to find out."

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