The Sleepover

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I was over at Cameron's apartment for a sleepover. Well, that's what it was now, anyway. I suggested watching some old shows on Netflix, and after about three or four episodes of Bones, it was starting to get dark outside. "Hey, Stretch... It's getting late." Cameron pointed out to me. I just sighed and got up to go into his room.

Cameron was right, it was getting late, and I was getting tired. I needed to find some comfortable clothes to sleep in. I opened the first drawer on his dresser and it was full of jeans. Not helpful. The next drawer was way better: it was full of boxers, aka shorts for me. I pulled a pair of black ones out and closed the drawer. I pulled my shirt over my head leaving myself only in my tank top and took off my bra. Then I proceeded to shimmy out of my jeans and pull on his boxers.

Cameron POV
When Kirsten slid open the door, I was not prepared for what she was wearing. Where did she even find my boxers? Did she go through my dresser? My thoughts were interrupted by Kirsten coming back over to the couch and snugging up with the blankets. She grabbed the remote and pressed play on the episode. I took this as a sign of a sleepover, and we watched another four episodes. As the credits on the last episode rolled, Netflix asked if I wanted to keep watching. I looked at Kirsten who was half asleep, and the clock read 1:03 am. I shook her a little, so she looked up at me. I expected a "you get the couch, goodnight." Like most nights, but tonight, she grabbed my hand and pulled me into the bedroom, snuggling into the covers on the left side of the bed. I took off my shirt and threw it in the laundry basket, then folded my glasses and set them on the right nightstand table. I shut off the lamp and went to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2016 ⏰

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