All Things Go - Chapter Sixteen

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"Wait, wait, wait," Swazz said with a look of confusion plastered all over his face. "You guys are moving out? No, don't leave me, I'm going to miss living with my best friend everyday."

"Don't worry, Swazz, it's only five minutes away from here," I said with a small laugh. "Plus, just because I'm moving out does not mean I am not going to spend time with you guys. Remember, you're my fucking best friend! We can hang out anytime, don't worry."

He sighed a sigh of relief as I went to pick up a box full of my clothes. "Woah there, you do not need to be carrying heavy boxes! You are pregnant, let me do it."

He took the box from my hands as I laughed at his words. "Johnathan, I'm only two months pregnant, I think I can lift a box full of clothes. But thanks, though."

Hmm, I guess that's a good thing about being pregnant - people will do things for me that I can easily do myself. It's great. I'm not lazy, it's just that sometimes I don't feel like doing stuff. I actually wanted to take my own stuff out to the car but knowing the guys, they probably wouldn't even let me lift a finger.

"I'm so excited!" Nate exclaimed as I walked down the stairs behind Swazz. "I'm going to be an uncle! Bro, this is great. I'm going to be the cool uncle, your kid will always want to be chilling with Uncle Skate. Shit, only seven more months."

I laughed at his excitement. "I know, I'm excited too, Nathan. In seven months, I'm going to be a mother. I can't believe this is actually happening!"


"How are you feeling about everything?" Emily asked me as I took a seat on her couch. "You know, since Alyssa and Derek are having a baby. How you holding up, Sam?"

I let out a sigh and shook my head. "I don't want her to be happy, I don't. I don't want her to have her little perfect family because that would've been me and her if she didn't fuck shit up. Everything always seems to go good for her, she has a perfect ass life, everything she's ever wanted. It's not fair, Em."

"I know, Sam, I know," she said as she rubbed my back in a soothing manner. "But like they say, karma is a bitch. Stop stressing over Alyssa, it's not getting you anywhere in life. You sound like a crazy person most of the time, honestly."

I stood up from the couch and scoffed. "Yeah, sure, okay Emily. I don't even want to talk about this right now. I'm not crazy, Em. I'm sick and tired of that stupid bitch walking around like she's some fucking queen! That doesn't make me crazy."

"Okay, that doesn't make you crazy but what about you constantly trying to ruin her life? Huh? I don't know about you but that sure does seem crazy to me. You can't keep letting her do this to you, Samuel. It's no good for you to spend so much time and effort trying to make her life miserable. Life's not fair, that's something you need to learn."

I shook my head and walked over to the front door. "Yeah, whatever, Emily. I'm going home, I'll talk to you later or something."

Before she could say another word, I walked out of the house and straight to my car that was parked in the driveway. I hopped in and plugged my aux chord into my phone. I started scrolling through my playlists when I came across one titled 'Alyssa's Favorite Songs.'

All Things Go ➳  Sam Wilkinson | Derek LuhWhere stories live. Discover now