Chapter 10: Harry

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I don't know how long we've been here on the floor; all I know is I dont want to move. Her perfume smells sweet and her body is warm and comfortable. The rhythm of her chest as it moves up and down with each breath she takes soothes me and for the first time in weeks I'm relaxed; my mind isn't racing a mile a minute with thoughts of the shop and my deal with my father. All that matters now is Cilly's body in my arms and the feeling of her fingers in my hair. I could stay right here, happily, for the rest of the night. She sighs and my heart flutters.

"Spend the night with me?"

I ask with my eyes shut tightly as I hold her waist a little tighter, hoping she'll just say yes.

"Harry, I have to go home."

Of course she couldn't just say yes, this is Cecilia we're talking about here, she is the definition of the word difficult; she is contrary in human form.

"No you don't."

"Yes, actually, I do." She giggles, but doesn't move or stop touching my hair. "Di's been texting me like crazy; she's worried."

"Tell her you're with me."

"I'm not sure that would ease her mind very much."

"She likes me now." I think. Kind of. Di has always been sort of indifferent towards me, always calm and aloof about things. The complete opposite of Cilly. "I want you to stay."

"I know you do."

"Don't you want to stay with me?"


My head shoots up at the words, she smiles a nervous smile.


"You promised, Haz!"

"I promised what?!"

I say, my forehead wrinkled, my eyes narrow, as I try not to immediately take my offense at her words out by getting angry. She bites her lip and plays with that incredible lip ring as she tries not to grin at me.

"That you weren't mad and you wouldn't make a move on me."

"Shit." I sit up and rest my arms on my knees, my head hung looking at the floor between my legs. I hear her sit up too, and feel her arms slide around me. She kisses me softly on the neck and sends a thrill through my entire body. "I did say that didn't I?"

She nods and sighs again, resting her chin on my shoulder.

"I have to go home, it's Thanksgiving in a few days and I don't want Di stressed out any more than she already is." She kisses my neck again and speaks even more softly than before. "You don't know what it's been like for her since I got out of the home."

"I don't really care." I reply honestly, my skin tingles at the feel of breath she lets out with her giggle.I want to say 'What about what it's been like for me?', but surely that would be contrary to what I promised. "At least stay until Liam comes back so I can get you home safely."

"I'll be fine, Haz, I'll just catch a cab. It's cool."

She stands to her feet and dusts her self off a little. I remain on the floor, looking up at her.

"Why can't you j-"

"You said you wouldn't push me, either." She smirks, looking altogether smug as she glares playfully down at me. "You make promises you have no idea how to keep, Styles."

I chuckle to myself and feel my heart swell as her playful smirk stretches into a delighted grin. I can see so clearly how happy she is to be with me in that smile and its almost enough to make me alright with her leaving.

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