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Her eyes flutter open as she slowly awoke to her slumber, the sound of the ticking clock at the bedside table reverberate throughout the halls of the silent room, near the clock lays a lovely silver cross necklace, beautiful as it was it doesn't hold much value as an item yet the girl had cherished it for a long time, As she reach for it she glimpse at the hour, it was already pass seven in the evening. The young girl featly rose from her bed gently rubbing her eyes of any traces of drowsiness as a cold feeling engulfed her feet as she gently walked the stone floor all the way to her balcony doors, she opened them letting in the cool breeze brought by the evening night, a light shiver trickled her skin it din't help that young girl was only in her white nightgown, with so little clothing on it was rather chilly, yet she din't mind. Her bright sherbet pink irises stared at the shining moon perched up high in the night sky that seems to welcome her with its light.
"Its oddly bright tonight." she absentmindedly spoke her thoughts. The nighttime air lightly blowing on her long platinum blonde hair.

"Odd it may seem, but nonetheless beautiful." She thought.

She stood there for quite a time dazed while admiring the nightly view, she was already used to being awake in the evening rather than the day, her situation made it so. But her attention was immediately stolen as she spots something at the corner of her eye, there; laying at her bedside table was a gorgeous bouquet of white roses, its vibrant tint less hues glowed at the dim light of the room as its trickles of dew sparkles as if they were precious pearls hinting that they were freshly picked.
She approached the object, surprised that she wasn't able to notice them moments ago, but then again maybe they weren't there till now. As she picked it up she also notice a small envelope underneath the wrapped blossoms, it had no indication on it whatsoever apart from the familiar red seal that seem to contain the contents inside, with it she already has an idea who it may be from.
The young blonde eagerly tore it upon to reveal a letter, as she reads the content of the paper she slowly sat down on her bed.

"My dear sweet Yui,
I present this gift to you, in loving celebration of this wonderful occasion. I do hope it is to your liking, I especially picked them for you.
Happy 16th Birthday my lovely daughter, you have grown to be quite the beautiful lady, how I wish I could celebrate this day with you and everyone.
Sincerely your Father"

A soft smile crept on the young girls face, she tucked away the letter to admire her gift, that man never fails to delight her with presents on her birthday, despite not having the same blood running down her veins he had never treated her otherwise, yet it dawn upon her when she recalled the contents of the letter, she has already have come sixteen years of age.

Just then her train of thoughts was cut off as an unexplainable flash of lightning appeared out of nowhere. It gave a loud howl, like a wolf crying a warning that something is not right, as the noise slowly receded as well as the bolt of light gradually dissapered, six figures appeared at the obscured room, the figures appeared to be males all dangerously occupying all the corners of the room yet, the girl din't seem to show slight worry about the situation she was in, as if it was the norm for her.
The moonlight slowly took over the darkness of the room, chasing away the pitch black that was not until time ago covered the place and slowly shone revealing the appearances of the somewhat intruders.
She glanced at each of her uninvited guests, one was standing against her bookshelf, the man had a beautiful stature accompanied with his beautiful apperance, he held an air of distinction around him, his purplish raven colored hair is neatly placed. He held a small book in his arms to which he gently closed, he fixed his clear glasses to sit tightly on his face then look to towards her, a smirk made its way to his lips, she could see the sadistic glint in his ruby red irises.
"Quite the extravagant gift there, I suppose it is to be expected. That man always regards you with such questionable affection." Yui could sense the slight venom in his words, polite as it may.
"Now now~ don't be like that" sing song a voice from behind the young girl, the man was sitting at the bed toying with the silky strands of her hair, gently placing a kiss. He motions towards the previous man who only retorted as a response.
His jade colored eyes glint in sadistic amusement as he peered at the back, "We should all celebrate, its our little puppy's birthday after all." He let out a light giggle, playing with the fedora that adorned his reddish-brown hair carefully tugging the front of the object. A beauty mark can be seen under his left eye as he slowly grew near Yui's ear whispering in a soft voice "With that, I cant wait to play~" a provocative grin displaying his face.

Yui merely shrug the comment off, accustomed to the way the man speak she diverted her attention somewhere, at the front of the bed; there far at the back sleeping haphazardly in the couch he lays placing his right arm at the back of his head for support using it as a substitute for a pillow.
Slightly curled, blonde hair ornamented his handsome face. The man dint show any response towards her for he seem to be occupied with listening to something else as she could see the earphones he placed in his ears and wires she usually seen him wrapped around in his neck. Not a few moments, after he woke; light ocean blue orbs peered from the corner glancing slightly at Yui. Despite the beautiful hue his eyes held nothing but callous towards everything, then those lovely hues disappeared as quickly as they came.
She jolted slightly at the sudden loud thud that echoed in the room. She paused, looking at the man responsible for the noise.
"Hee~ quite the temper as always" said the man behind Yui who was still fiddling her hair, yet her current attention was at him- leaning against the wall near the door arms folded in annoyance, his silver hair glisten in the dark corner covering his right blood shade irises. He clicked his tongue as his eyes met hers, fully aware of his temper she looked away.

"Here that teddy? A birthday party! Nee~ do you think will get something sweet?" Said a voice in a childlike manner. The boy was holding a teddy bear, cradling it ever so preciously and talked to it as if it had life.
A soft twisted smile graced his face as he lean his head on the toy, he held an air of playfulness and animosity as soft purple locks swayed at the motion as equally purple orbs glanced her way, she notice the dull undertone beneath them as well as the sadistic childish meaning in them.
Then all of a sudden Yui found yourself cage between two strong yet slender arms rending her without escape, she stared at his beautiful mischievous green orbs getting lost in them.
"You should be honored, someone like you is being graciously greeted by the great me!" He said as he ruffles his reddish unruly hair playfully grinning at her.
He slowly lifted the young girl chin, his gaze never leaving as he slowly lowered his head towards her neck, she could feel his breath on her skin, as he slowly opens his mouth Yui could sense his fangs baring on her neck. As he was about to continue his actions he was halted as Yui let out a stifled giggle leaving the man blinking away confused at her response.
"A simple happy birthday would have suffice." she flashed a soft smile then rose up to place her bouquet safely at the bedside table.

She turned around facing her guest and giving them a sweet smile then replied "Im quite happy, but I'm pretty sure you all dint just come her just to wish me a happy birthday." She paused

"Isn't that right, Big Brothers?"

And at that moment each one of them curled their lips into a small smile, It had been 10 years since then, 10 years since Yui Komori first step foot at the Sakamaki Mansion, as the Sakamaki brothers new little sister.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2017 ⏰

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