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*Brynnli's Point Of View*

I slam the door shut as I run far from the bus. When my legs can't take it any more I collapse by a tour bus. I'm literally freezing to death. It stated to lightly rain when I left my brothers bus but then it started pouring. And now I'm all wet and sitting outside.

"Brynnli?" a very familiar voice questions from behind me.

I turn around to face Ricky 'Horror'. I immediately run up to him and wrap my arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around me and asks "Brynnli what's wrong?" concern laced in his voice. I tried to talk but nothing came out, which only made me sob. Ricky rubbed circles on my back and cooed in my ear.

Ricky being Ricky picked me up and carried me inside MIW's tour bus and laid me down in I'm guessing his bunk.

"Goodnight Brynnli" he whispered as he closed the black curtain and walked away.


I woke up and Immediately shot out of bed hitting my head on the top of the bunk causing me to let out a faint 'Owe'.

I pulled open the curtain and walked to the bathroom. Immediately not recognizing my surroundings. This is not PTV's bus. Whose bus is this?

I walk out of the bathroom after washing my face of all the smeared makeup, when I exit the bathroom I run into a wall.

Hey that was definitely not there before!

"Hey sleepy head" I hear a voice chuckle. I look up and see Ricky smiling down at me. Then all the memories of last night came back to me.

"Do you mind if I wear some of you clothes?" I ask.

"Sure I'll go get some" he answers.

I wait by the bathroom until he came back with some clothes. I walk into the bathroom and change into Some black skinny jeans and put on the belt that he gave to me. I also am wearing a xs MIW tank top that he probably got from the Merch boxes.

After I get dressed I go out to the lounge to see Ricky and the rest of the guys sitting on the couches.

"Brynnli Do you mind telling us or me why you happened to be outside our bus in to rain?" asked Ricky. I nodded and told them what happened including the part where I wanted to star writing and maybe singing music, So of course they wanted me to sing for them. Ricky handed me his acoustic guitar.

I closed my eyes and tried to remember the melody which hopefully would make me remember the lyrics.

I started singing and by the time I was done all of us had tears in our eyes.

"I can't believe Vic would do that" Ricky yelled out of rage.

Same Ricky same.

"We're going to the breakfast tent you wanna come?" Asked Chris.

I nodded and linked arms with Ricky as we skipped to the food tent place. We got our food and sat at a random table. I got some strawberries, and a small pancake.

Ricky got Three medium sized pancakes with strawberries, and blueberries with chocolate syrup. me and him along with the rest of the band were all laughing and cheerful until a certain someone *Cough cough* Vic *Cough cough* came and sat down. Ricky placed his hand on my knee under the table. and I just kinda sat there staring at Vic, then the rest of the band. Once I made eye contact with them they just kinda tried to avoid my gaze.

Which hurt to be honest especially the fact Tony even tried not to met my gaze.  

Wanna know what would be really funny? If I woke up as a baby at the orphanage and Mama and Papa Fuentes never adopted me, maybe I wouldn't be feeling this pain right now.

But that means I wouldn't know Ricky or Tony my two guy best friends.

"So we seen the video... I didn't know you could sing like that" Jaime states. I look at him very confused until he shows me his phone. I-It's me from this morning singing....

"Who Fucking posted this!" I yell causing the ALL and I mean ALL the people who were in the food tent to look at me.

"I did" Ricky said from beside me. I stare at him in disbelief and lap his hand off my knee and walked away from him.

I walk and walk until I realize I now have nowhere to go. So I just sit on a picnic table and scroll through the comments on twitter for the video.

There was a lot of nice comments so I followed some of the people. But then there was this one hate comment that got 2k likes (can twitter comments get likes? IDK)

'vιcтor.ˣ: Go be another singer that's on drugs. Lol ;P'   

How does he have the nerve to do that?!?

"Hey are you okay? your um crying" A voice I don't recognize asks. I look up and see a Young man that I don't really recognize. I wipe away the tears and look at him trying to figure out where I seen him before.

"I'm Denis Stoff. I'm new in Asking, I seen you storm off and decided to track you down and see if you were okay."


I don't know why the twitter thing is like that. All I did was try and put Vic's twitter username. Lol

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