CH. 5

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Vivian POV

So today I came home from taking my exam, and all I see is Trey in the room with Ryan its so cute. I have to tell Trey about how my best friend Ink took my virginity before he hears it from any one else. I don't want it to be any secrets between us and I hope he understands to me and Ink it aint a big deal but to Trey it may be bigger than it seems ya know. So I sat down on the couch beside Trey cause i have to get this off my chest. So i told him i wanted to talk to him. So he put Ryan in the crib and we went in our room so we could talk.

"So what you wanted to talk about" He asked

"You know how my best friend Ink girlfriend Alia that don't like me right?"


"Well she keep bringing up the fact that when i use to live in Cali that ink Did take my virginity to me and him it doesn't matter, i trust him and now we just friends and it's nothing else to it, and i wanted to tell you before you found out from somebody else. And plus i want you to be able to trust me and not worry about me when me and him chill or go out ya know"

"Baby I am glad that you told me rather than her, and you know i trust and as long as it's nothing like it was before i am cool with y'all hanging out. Love you" I smiled

"Love you too"

So after that, we wanted to have a dinner with just the two of us but me i don't want to leave Ryan i am that mother who always wants to be with their child. So his mother actually agreed to watch Ryan while we go out to eat. And So I am in the kitchen having me a nice snack.

"baby where we going tonight"

"I am not telling you"


"Cause it is a suprise, and you have to wait"

"Ugh you suck bae"

"No i don't, you just always wanna know what's going on"

"So it aint nothing wrong withg that"

"you right but not this time"

Then he kissed me.

"Be ready at 8 and don't worry about Ryan tonight it is all about us okay"


"I will see you later"

Then he kissed me on my lips.

So I decided to call my bes friend Ink.

"Hey bestfriend"

"Hey whats up"

"Nothing bored plus it's to early to get ready"

"True, what did Alia text lala"

"Lala just told me that she said she was gone tell Trey about us when i was in Cali , but i am like that was a minute ago and why do she care anyway"

"She is fucking crazy for real, did you tell Trey though"

"Yeah just in caase ya know"

"True, man i swear she gone make me snap on her ass, she came over to my house and it was me Imani and my brother and she going off about how mw and Imani is fucking i am like no we not like bitch are you crazy Imani got tired of her and Alia and Imani started fighting so you know that end result so now i haven't heard anything from Alia and knowing her she trying to do something"

"Okay for real she is psycho, and ima need for you to find a new girl for real"

"Im gonna try gotta get rid of this crazy bitch first before i  do anything"

"Damn, shit crazy..Well here come Chelsea so i will talk to you later"

"Alright girl, have fun tonight"

"You know i will"

So i hung up, and Chelsea came in like she was running from somebody

"Why you out of breath right now"

"Girl Stupid dogs jumped some gates and you know i am scared of dogs"

"Omg you are crazy" I am laughing cause i know she is literally scared.

"Yeah but what happened with you and Trey"

"Girl I told him and he seemed real cool about but I feel like it is not going to be the end of it."

"yeah cause no man I know would be calm and collected if they girl told them something like that ya know"

"That's why I feel like he just either don't wanna tell me how he really feeling or he really is cool with it"

"True no matter what he gone be here for ya crazy ass"

"Im crazy and you scared of a little dog"

"You know what Im gone"

"Love ya"

"Love ya ass too"

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