Chapter # 1~New House, Crazy Co-worker & Awkward Boss

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Chapter #1: New House, Crazy Co-workers & Awkward Boss

“Thank you, Please come again” I said to the last customer of the day as she literally ran out of the store almost forgetting her four year old son behind in her rush to get away from Lenny, the girl that was supposed to be helping her choose a present for her husband.

Notice I said ‘supposed’ of course that is exactly what she didn’t do, instead Lenny chose attend to her cell phone as it would not stop constantly ringing and next thing we know she starts screaming at the poor lady afterwards; And what’s weirder is that when I went to try to help solve the problem I get held by another employee telling me to stay out of it.


I swear this place gets weirder and weirder EVERY minute!

I’ve been working at the Peregrinus ever since I was 13 years old because of course my step-mother would’ve rather I work than stay at home. Lillian, my step-mother; I really don’t wish to call her step-mother anymore seeing as I won’t have to put up with the pretence or fear the consequences of being killed, finds pleasure in the fact that I have to work to earn my daily spendings while her own children don’t have to lift a finger to get anything.

  So at the age of 13 when I’d first thought of volunteering at the local senior’s hospital, Lillian took this as a chance to permanently stop the little money my dad would give me for food and pretended to encourage me to find a job, when in reality she (literally) had kicked me out of the house and told me I wasn’t allowed back till I found a job.

Then when I failed to find a job that day she didn’t let me in no matter how much I begged, on the 5th day of begging outside my own father’s house hoping for someone in there to have a heart I waited patiently still……..but no one came and when my father and older siblings returned from their official duties and camp, they just acted like they didn’t see me and kept on walking in.

When I tried stepping inside my step-sister (HAH, don’t make me laugh) pushed me back out the door as if I were a pest, that was the day I’d officially lost any sliver of hope I had in kindness from the heart and other nonsensical heart-warming words such as that. Because really, EVERYONE only does what they really WANT to do and no one really cares about someone as weak as me.

Ever since I stopped begging and didn’t hope, while keeping up a fake smile that would never reach my eyes.

Though thankfully after a week of going through dumpsters behind fancy restaurants I came upon one of the most unique and beautiful shops ever, it had two floors and was made mostly of what looked like glass that resembled crystals; similar to the sort of crystals you’d see in the movie Narnia, at the evil queens palace in the first movie.

So seeing such a place I was automatically drawn to it and as I approached it I saw a help wanted sign, of course I didn’t believe I‘d be hired in such a place.

Though in the position I was in this was better than nothing and so I’d taken the flyer off the window in hopes of reducing the competition and trudged inside only to chicken out at the last moment as I saw all the beautiful employees working there.

But by then I was already at the counter and a handsome yet intimidating man turned to me asking me if I needed any help, though of course by that moment I was about to say ‘no’ and turn around and walk away, but I was stopped as a smile came on to his lips as he saw the flyer in my hand.

At that moment I swear I saw him sniff the air, though before I could think too much into it I was thrown off my feet (not-literally) as he declared I was hired on the spot.

I didn’t believe it at first; I thought he was making a fool out of me, although when one of the female employs finally managed to drag me into the dressing room, ignoring all my questions I was throwing at her, she started taking measurements for my uniform.

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