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Dan to Phil -  12:10am

Dan: phil?

You: Dan?

Dan: im scared, i miss you

You: Why are you scared? And we saw each other like 2 hours ago

Dan: idk but im scared, can you come over

You: Dan its like 12am

Dan: i know..

You: Fine, I'll come over, but seriously we can't make a habit out of sneaking around like this it makes me nervous

Dan: bock bock u a chicken mate?

You: Don't call me mate

Dan: ooh fiesty kitty

You: Now im a cat?? I'm coming over you goose

Dan: now im a goose?


Dan to Phil - 1:15am

Dan: hi

You: Hi, youre literally right here next to me but hi

Dan: ):

You: What's wrong?

Dan: i need kisses

You: But itd be weird because im a cat and youre a goose

Dan: omg PhiL just kiss meee

You: Okay goose

Dan: thnx (/.\)

Dan: will you snuggle me?

You: Why do you have to text me im right here

Dan: im too nervous okay just snuggle me cuddle mee

You: Aw.. thats so cute

Dan: Pphilllllllll

You: okay okay


Dan to Phil (whos asleep in this part) - 3:59am

Dan: your arms are really warm

Dan: you have a cute sleeping face

Dan: i just kissed ur cute sleeping face

Dan: dont yell at me when you wake up but i totally just drew a penis on your forehead

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