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@Sad-Sans sorry u used me old user, so i didnt see until nooow soorrriiee

1. I'm female.

2. I was more suicidal before Wattpad because of you guys :')

3. I love Undertale :')

4. @XmochipaiX and @GamerGirles are the best girlfriends I ever had :') love u guysss

5. I have shitty eyes (more green than blue hazel mix) 

6. I don't like anything about myself

7. I fuck around to much and no one likes me personally for who i REALLY am. (Like outside wattpad if we chat. Already did this with 2 peeps. @--CommanderBez-- and @XmochipaiX  LOVE U GUYSS AND U BEZ-BEZ)

8. I love puns

9. I am very dark and depressing except when I meet up with me crew (contains endangerment to non-dank people xD)

10. I love Raph more than Donnie

11.I like Awolnation's song Run.

12. I hate it when people actually give a fuck about me

13. I hate spiders. And love snakes.

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