First Encounters: Leo Valdez

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Heroes of Olympus Preference Series: Firsts Encounters

Leo Valdez

Only one word can describe your first encounter with Leo Valdez.


First, you were attacked at school by monsters and had to ditch school to get home. Then you got home only to find out that you had to leave, and go to some safe haven that those monsters couldn't penetrate!

Well, isn't your day certainly turning out eventful?

When you had arrived home and told what happened to your 'mortal' parent, they had called themselves, they didn't act surprised at all. A worried expression came over their face and they cursed.

"I was afraid this would happen," they said with a grim look. "It was bound to happen sooner or later, but I was hoping for more time."

Your eyes widened. "Wait, you knew this could happen?"

They shook their head. "No, but I did anticipate it. I just didn't know when. Sorry, (parent's nickname for you), I'll have to explain later. Right now, we need to get you somewhere safe, and I only know of one place that you could go."

In minutes, you were almost done packing a small backpack full of anything you would need on the road, including money and other essentials like food and water. As your parent helped you, they were quickly giving you instructions and directions on where to go.

"Wait, that's far from here," You noted with worry as you stuffed a pair of clothes in. "And you didn't tell me where exactly we're going."

They only answered, "Don't worry about that, just know that you'll be safe there."

You didn't notice how they only said 'you'.

Just as you finished packing, there was a loud banging at the door, and you knew the monsters had found you. Your parent knew as well because they cursed, quickly shoving something shiny into your backpack.

"(Your name), get to the car!" They yelled as they tossed you the car keys and pulled something out. The banging got louder and they headed towards the front door.

You obeyed, and took a different route away from the front door. Stealthily, you reached the car and hid behind it. You peered over the car to look at the front door. The monsters were banging on the front door, to the point where it was nearly going to break. You were going to take the passenger seat just as one of the monsters was thrown back with a loud bang, making the monsters part away from the door. It's head was blown off. The broken door fell out of its hinges and onto the ground. Your parent stood at the doorway with a small bronze colored pistol pointed at the monsters. They shot another monster, blowing them to dust.

What were those bullets made of?

With an unbelievable speed that you didn't know your parent had, they made their way through the monsters, shooting and cocking the gun at monsters that attempted to attack them. They tried to reach you, but as your parent neared the car, a monster tackled them from behind and threw them away from you. You were about to make your way to your parent but they yelled, "No! I'll be fine! Don't wait for me, just go!"

You hesitated. You wanted to help your parent, but you knew you had no experience in fighting, much less fighting a monster. You wouldn't be much of help, you would only get both of you in trouble.

They continued, "Whatever you do, don't stop! Not for anything!"

Deciding to heed their words, you took the driver seat and started the car, pulling out of the driveway and speeding down the street. Few of the monsters followed you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2017 ⏰

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