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"Katie, please come introduce yourself! I have my high school best friend over and I'd like you to get to know him!" My best friend greeted me as I took my work shoes off. "I'm tired. I wanna change first at least."
I kinda lied but I didn't really feel the need to go make small talk with some random douchebag. "Okay, but come back down! I think you'll get along with him! Maybe after all we can finally get you a boyfriend, huh?"
I decided I was going to ignore everything that was wrong with what Julia just said solely because I didn't want to waste time on being defiant when I could just waste time on laying in my bed procrastinating socialization.
So, a clothes change and a miniature-nap later, my fatigued feet managed to transport me to meet my extroverted best friend, her current boyfriend, and some random man I didn't feel like talking to.

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind going out, spending time with new people, some who aren't exactly like me, that's fine. It's just the excessive small talk and plastic happiness that I don't see the need for.
Not all the time at least.
The guy looked like what I expected. Just normal, clean haircut, average face, sorta muscly. Probably a douchebag?

We all talked like the 3 of us usually did, only with some awkward dude in the mix.
Alright. Not painful but I'm not looking to reach out to this kid again.
I headed back to my room once the late-night, 'I'm tired' social queues started flowing in, and I let them deal with the guy and making him leave when Julia decided, since I didn't really care and Julia was the other partial owner of our apartment.
I got scheduled for a longer night shift tomorrow, so I was ready to sleep as much as I could. Being a waitress, tips are usually reflected off of cheerfulness, energy, and how good your makeup looks that day. Either way, running on no sleep never helps in any case, so off to bed it was.

Looking For Misery (John O'Callaghan)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें