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     Hi. I'm a 16 year old girl named Ebony Drows. A few years ago, I was a normal 13 year old girl, being embarrassed by my friends, doing weird things with those friends, having crushes, doing work during school, anything a normal 13 year old girl would do. When I was like that, I lived in my birth town of Buffalo, New York. Then I had to move to New York City, New York. I met a few people on my first day, but three people really stood out to me. One girl was named Tori Lawrence. She seemed really nice and pure.

     Boy, was I wrong...

     The second girl was Britney Rockford. She seemed pretty bossy, but overall seemed pretty cool.

     Again, I was wrong.

     The last girl was named Naomi Clare Reece. She was very welcoming. I quickly realized that she was unique.

     Naomi and I soon became friends. Tori and I became friends after a few months, though. Naomi and Tori had been friends for years, while Tori and Britney had been friends for years, too. By the end of the school year, Tori and I were friends who would often hang out together. Tori gained more friends as we grew more until Britney started to take Tori away from Naomi and I. Britney completely changed her. Tori went from sweet and caring to cruel and narcissistic. I came out as a bisexual to Tori and Naomi a while before Britney started to hang out with Tori more. Tori started to slowly treat me like dirt. She'd choke me out if I didn't do things she wanted, she'd make fun of my body and skills, she'd make fun of my hobbies, she'd make fun of my interests, she'd force me to do things I didn't want to do, she'd act like she's better than me, and she became very unsupportive.

     Because of her, I became emotionally unstable. This is how a cloud of a person started to follow me around. That cloud of a person is an old friend of mine that came up as as child, left me for years, then came back as a teenager. Its name is Depression.

A Cloud of A PersonWhere stories live. Discover now