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There were demons and angels in the world. They hated each other and would often go to war with each other. Each side had a group of leaders and each time they went to war, both groups would fight for each other's positons. The truth was that they both wanted to switch places but hades and god would never let that happen so they make it look like they are doing it for the good of others. In reality, they are all as selfish as Hades himself.

I however, on Earth, have not found the leaders yet. I have been searching for years but there has not been any sign of them or a beginning to war. I only wanted to find the leaders of Hell. I do not know why but I heard all of the stories of what they have done, and no matter how brutal the story is, I still admire them.

The best ranked leader is named Pj Ligouri. No one knows his real name. They say he and the others used to be humans like me. Pj is mysterious and a good thinker. He is good at his job even though he does not get paid.

The second is Dan Howell. He isn't very good at talking with people and luring them in but he sure is good at scaring others away when they are not wanted. I truly belive he is going to be unranked from this spot soon as he is not fit for the job.

Third is Chris Kendall. He may be the one to take Dan's spot which will most likely cause a lot of drama. He knows what he likes when he sees it and can get addicted. He is bisexual so whenever there are perverts he can lure them in. If they are not into guys, they would need to find a girl to do the job.

And lastly is Phil Lester. He is happy even though he is the lowest ranked and most bullied one of the group. However, he can read and interpret Amy maps there may be on the way.

I've been trying to find the gates to hell for many years now, but it seems impossible. I am absolutely sure that it is in London England but I just can't figure out exactly where. Every alleyway, store, cinema, street, and house seems to be another dead end.

I am not part of any organization. I always work alone, no exceptions. If I were to find the guys, I would ask to join them because they are looking for a female leader. I would be lowest ranked, but that's okay.

The stories say that they are aggressive and demanding when they feel the need to be, so that may be a bit of a setback but I truly think it would be a good idea to join them.

If they were to go to heaven, I would destroy it no matter the cost. I hate god very much and would love to see him burn to the ground with his precious home. Before hearing all the stories and actually seeing real footage of the realms, I did not belive in god or any religion at all and I thought it was the stupidest thing ever.

I walked out of a coffee shop and headed down the street to my apartment. There were a lot more people outside walking on the pavement than I expected.

My coat was an amazing black colour and it kept me warm enough to barely function correctly in the winter air. The coffee tasted almost like a minty flavoured tomato juice which was extremely nasty so I threw it in the closest bin I could see.

When I reached my flat, I unlocked the door and stepped inside, feeling warmth finally reach my body and fill my senses with joy. However, what was going to happen was jot anything near joy.

My neighbour broke down the door, drunk and probably high. He grabbed my arm and slammed me down on the table, holding me down with his arm over my chest. With his other hand, he held up a knife and stabbed me in the chest.

I screamed as loud as I could, but I just couldn't express how much pain I was in. He let go and left the room, probably going back home.

I don't know how long it was, but I kept slipping in and out of consciousness. I felt something under me and lift me up. I felt myself being layed out on what must have been a gurney. It was about time.

When we got into the ambulance, the people and flashing lights were too much for me at the moment so I passed out. I woke up in a dark room instead of a hospital. I looked around and saw nothing. It was just pitch black. Then I heard a voice.

"I'm going to ask you a few questions." The Voice told me. "The answers you give will determine where you will be going."

It was a girl speaking. I couldn't tell how far away she was but it almost seemed like she was yelling from three metres away. Her voice was course and raspy.

"First question" She began "What is your name?"

"Aubrey" I told her with confidence I knew I didn't have. I was nervous. This was definitly going to decide if I go to heaven or hell. I need to make sure I go to hell.

"Full name please" She replied to me.

"Why should I tell you?" I replied back with aditude.

"Next question, do you belive in god?" She was obviously doing what I thought.

"I do know but I used to not because he is a stupid idea of someone to be obsessing over for your entire life." That'll do the trick.

"Last question, what are your thoughts on sins?" She was closer now.

"They're great. I love them and I'm sure they love me back. I don't know what I'd do without them." I smiled slightly until she cleared her throat.

"Aubrey, you will be sent to Hell to spend your days with the leaders, Pj, Dan, Chris, and Phil. They will teach and train you. Perhaps someday we will meet again in Heaven after another war is complete." Then she was gone.

Nothing happened for a few minutes then, as if the floor dissappeared, I fell a long ways down and hit another hard surface.

I was in their office.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2016 ⏰

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