1|| Hello Utah

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*Tylers POV*
I'm getting stuff out of the Uhaul truck and put it in the house and I saw a group of boys holding baseball gloves and bats I play baseball so I decided to talk to them I was wearing a black tank top and shorts with a read flannel around the waist and a black Yankes baseball hat so I walked up to them and they all just looked at me

"Hey I'm Benjamin Rodriguez but call me Benny" a tall one greeted me

"I'm Tyler Johnson" I said crossing my arms

"So you watch baseball or something" he asked me flicking the tip of my hat

"I PLAY Baseball" I answered

"Oh but your a girl" he told me

"So" I said "just because I'm a girl I can't play boy sports"

"Well we are heading to the sandlot come with us and show us what you got" he said

"Your on" I said smirking

"Ok let's go" he said and we all started walking

--At The Sandlot--

We walked into a field with a baseball diamond in the middle

"Ok first things first I'll introduce you to the guys" he told me "Timmy and Tommy Timmons, Mike 'Squints' Palledorus, Alan Mclennan we call him Yeah-Yeah, Bertram Grover Weeks, Kenny DeNunez, and Hamilton Porter we call him Ham" as he said there names they all spit on the floor

I find that weird but okay....

I waved and looked at Benny with my arms crossed "we gonna play ball or what" I said impatiently

"Okay Okay just watch us first go sit in the dugout" he said looking at me "base up"

After he said that they all took positions as I sat in the dugout Kenny pitched the ball and WHACK! Benny hit the ball and it went spring through the air and as it was going down it hit a kid in the face "AHH!" Is what he said as he fell to the floor he got up and picked up the ball and threw it buy it only went 3 feet away from him they all started laughing except Benny and the kid ran home so I went to go get the ball

"Be careful Tyler don't hurt yourself" Ham yelled out to me

Be careful?! Oh I'll show them

I rolled my eyes and threw the ball to Kenny and he caught he took his glove off and rubbed his hand and Yeah-Yeah rand to him

"What happened man" he asked Kenny

"Man she hurt my hand" he said smiling and looking at me and walked over to the batters spot

"My turn" I said smirking and Benny gave me the bat and I got ready

"Want me to go easy on you sweetie or you want my heater" Kenny said and chuckles

"Give me the heater 'sweetie'" I answered confidently and Yeah-Yeah laughed

"Okay Okay your asked for it" Kenny said and threw the heater and I hit the ball as hard as I can and it went clear over the fence and the boys had their jaws dropped and Benny ran up to me and the boys crowded me

"We need one more player want to take the spot" Benny asked me

"Sure why not" I said answered

"Ok let's play some ball" Bertman said and we played ball for several hours after we went home

Me and Yeah-Yeah lived next door to each other so we walked home together

"Your really good at baseball" he said

"Nah not really" I said discouraging myself

"Yeah, yeah you are Tyler" he said

I felt my cheeks getting red I only knew him for like a few hours but I can honestly say me and him were close

"Well I'm gonna get home see ya tomorrow Ty" he said smiling and walked inside his house

He is really nice, sweet, and cute he can make me laugh so easily I like him

As a friend I think I don't know

But I just walked inside my house and unpacked the rest of my stuff
This is a new story about the sandlot once again but I will get back to updating my other stories soon

XOXO, Adri ❤️

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