Secretive Secrets - [7]

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How I wished that I didn't come out of my bed, I didn't know what to say to the sight in front of me. I was too shocked, my eyes widened simultaneously as my jaw dropped like it has never done before. What I just saw was beyond me.

Ouch and why were the only words I could think off.

~ Chapter 7 ~ 

Despite the fact that I become weak easily when I see blood, I refuse let this happen, I cannot pass out not now when he needs me the most. Luhan was sitting on a stool next to the counter, his head leaning on his right arm on the counter, while his left hand was dangling down with blood uncontrollably dripping out of it.

"Lu-Luhan" I whispered as I took a step forward towards him, carefully taking a look at his condition.

"Hay, Luhan please don't scare me like this, if this is a prank then yes you got me now quit with the act" I stated as I plopped myself on the stool next to his waiting for him to scream 'BOO' or to say 'hahaha I got you hard'... but no, this started to freak me out. My heart was thumping like a horses hoofs on a dirt road, it was continuous, I was scared, really scared that I just froze. Tears started to prickle, soon the salty river ran down my face as my eyes became bloodshot, I could hear my tears hitting the floor un-rhythmically. 

I didn't know what to do, heck I still don't know what to do. After staring at him for a good minute I decided to get a cloth and wrap it around his wound, the wound was deep and revolting, it looked like as if he got a knife or something sharp and purposely did this to himself. I place my index and middle finger under his nose to check his breathing, I couldn't feel anything which started to creep me out even more than I already was. 

I ran to the living room as fast as I could and dialled the numbers '999', my hand was shaking so much that I could just about dial it. 

"How may I help you?" a woman asked. 

"Myfriendsbleedinghislifeout" I screamed without pausing to breathe. "He needs help, please hurry up" I cried.

"First of all calm down miss" she ordered me. "HOW COULD I FUCKING CALM DOWN IF SOMEONES ABOUT TO FUCKING DIE? JUST TELL SOMEONE TO COME AND SAVE HIM PLEASEE" I pleaded using foul words like is she for real? 

"Listen, what's your address?" She irritably asked. I gave her my address and she told me to wait 3 minutes.

Waiting for the ambulance was a pain in the ass, but waiting for the results was even worse. Right now I'm in the hospital emergency waiting room; tapping my right foot and chewing on my nails. My eyes dart back and forth to the clock, with an irritated expression, why can’t it tick any faster?

I got up and start pacing back and forth, pulling at the long sleeves of my shirt up and fanning myself with my bare hands. I start running my hands through my hair, while stealing a peek at the clock at the top right hand corner of the blank white wall. Only 2 minutes have passed. I decided to go sit down again, in those uncomfortable rectangular plastic green chairs found in every hospital. How the hell can people spend the whole night in them?

The sound of beeping machines are nothing but exasperating, persistently reminding you of where you are. It is cold, and silent, the type of silence that will drive you mad.

One minute has gone by.

You think the clock stopped working since you no longer hear its ticking. However as I jerk my head up and take a peek at the clock, I realize I’m wrong. It’s working perfectly. Has this ever happened to you before? It’s almost as if it’s testing my patience, knowing that I have none at.

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