Chapter 18

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I groaned as I opened my eyes, wincing at the sunlight. Once my sight adjusted, I looked around the cave. I noticed Steven sharpening a few knives, Chloe was walking in with clean medical supplies and Tyler was cooking rabbit. My stomach growled a little at the thought of food, but I shoved those thoughts aside.

"Hey, you're awake." Chloe smiled as she sat beside me.

I nodded, "How long have I been out for?"

"Two days, you woke up a few times so I could get you to drink some water. You were quite sick." She frowned.

I sighed, "The hunters..."

"They won't find us and if they do, well, I'll take care of them." Tyler stated firmly.

Steven glanced at him and raised an eyebrow, "You aren't doing anything, unless I say you can. I don't want anyone getting hurt and someone will gave to stay with Lilianna. Chloe, you'll hide with her."

"Steven, I can fight. I'm only a month pregnant." She sighed.

I gaped at her, "You're pregnant?"

"Yupp, I'm hoping it's a girl." She beamed.

"I want a boy." Steven pouted.

Chloe rolled her eyes, "We have one and he tried being Tarzan when he was younger."

"But then I'll have to scare off boys and if she looks anything like her mother, there will be many boys liking her." He argued.

I smiled as they bickered back and forth, I eventually decided to get up and stretch. I winced a little as I put weight on my one leg, but continued limping around anyway.

"I can fight as well." I stated.

Steven shook his head, "No. You need to rest, you've done enough fighting."

"I feel like I haven't." I mumbled.

"So, we figured out that the hunters are some how poisoning werewolves. They grow extremely sick and can die." Steven explained as we ate lunch.

I frowned, "How do they poison them?"

"They'll choose a werewolf in the forest and release this tiny ball. The ball then releases a gas like substance that the werewolf breathes in. We think it's wolfsbane spray. Which is oderless." He frowned.

"What are the symptoms?" I asked.

"Mood swings, vomitting, fever, weakness, pale, shivering, they become tired easily as well." He listed.

Tyler frowned, "Mood swings don't always happen though."

"Well, yes, but they could." Steven replied.

I sighed, "Do we know if they released this poison near Ryan or Seth?"

"No, but I could check and see how they're doing. If Ryan was poisoned, they would have figured it out though. But Seth..." he trailed off.

"He would act fine." I finished.

He nodded silently.

I was angry at Seth for leaving me to get shot at, but I still care for him. If he was poisoned, then we need to keep a close eye on him. I know him and he'll refuse treatment until it's too late.

"What do we do now?" I asked.

"We find the hunters hide out and destroy all of them." Steven said.

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