Chapter 20

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*Caroline's Dream*

I stood at the airport looking around, I never thought the day would come when I arrived back home. Robin had both of our suitcases in his hands. "A little help here." groaned Robin. I glanced over at him and grabbed my suitcase from him. It's been a week since Robin and I had gotten married. We both proudly wore our rings. We walked out of the airport waiting for our taxi to arrive.

"You nervous?" I asked him.

Robin glanced at me, "About what?"

"You haven't seen your parents in two years, what are you going to tell them first?" I honestly didn't even know what I was going to tell mine. Many things ran through my head but none of them seemed like the perfect greeting.

"I'm going to tell them I'm sorry." he said. My heart melted; that's cute. We were going to see John first, it's only been a week since we saw him at our wedding, but it's the first time we're actually hanging out. He got a job at the vets office helping out with the animals, he actually finished off high school and is now going to college to become a veterinarian. He's still been rescuing animals the way he used to. And still, not married...

"That's sweet, mind if I copy off you?" We both snickered. Robin sighed and looked at the time on his watch. We've found a lot of friends down in New Orleans and i was really nice there. Stan had bought a house down there and he hung out every weekend and we would see him out at the recording studio. Robin was about to make his second album. He wasn't Stan Rogers famous, but he was pretty well known among the area; enough to get us by.

Stan was also releasing a new album and already signed Robin to open for him. Our taxi pulled in and we got situated. My heart was throbbing, I just never imagined the day when I got to see my parents again. We stared around us, we were in Chicago again. All the memories came flooding back and a smile crept onto my face. I pointed out the window, "Look, there's Rockin' Reagan's." Robin looked out the window and smiled.

"I never thought I would ever see that place again." We both remembered everything that night. It was the night that Robin was given a record deal. We must have pointed out everything that we passed, I was so happy to be back home.

We stopped by John's house and had a conversation with him. I opened up his gate and leaped into his arms. It was so good to be back and to see John in the same exact house with all his animals. He hugged me back with a great bear hug and kissed the top of my forehead. He still had his long curly hair and I just had to run my fingers through it. Robin walked up and gave John a hug too. His dog Smoky jumped on me and I knelt down to pet him. His gray fur was soft and it shed all over the place, but I gave him a big hug anyways.

"Don't you guys want to go see your parents now or something??" laughed John. "I mean, you saw me last week, you haven't seen your parents in two years."

"No man, I still don't know what I'm going to say." Robin laughed. It was awkward for a moment.

"You wanna come in?" John asked us. We all headed right inside.

Robin and I told him about all of he things we did in New Orleans and he shared his story about what he's been up to. "How was high school?" taunted Robin.

"Sucked. I wanted to quit it over again." John smiled. "College has been a hassle too, but besides that, I already knew all the stuff about the animals, definitely getting good grades in that." he smirked.

"Meet any girls?" joked Robin. John and Holly had split up a year ago.

John punched Robin in the shoulder, "Shut up--why would I?" he smirked.

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