Chapter two:Crushed

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It felt as if her face were about to rip apart at any moment,tear from the sides but she was just so happy and she couldnt stop smiling.She had worn her favourite dress,favourtie shoes,and she let her curly red hair roam free in a sea of firery rain.Everything was as she had dreamt it.

Taking a deep breath,she slid her way into the library,her eyes scanning for the one face that had made hers light up,the most important face of all.

Walking quickly and uneasily she looked around,everyone seemed quiet...vacant,like their bodies were present but their minds were absent.No one spared her so much as a glance or a tilt of the head,everyone just looked forzen.

Her long legs intimidating the floors as she strode across them,a little tan and very feminine,her golden eyes shinning brightly with nervousness,you would have thought this creature was a woman,but she was just fifteen.Her heart streaming in lines of hot thumps inside her chest as she took one final step looking at the dark hair that backed her,strong shoulders in a light brown shirt,legs crossed beneath the table.Taking a deep breath she took a seat beside him,pushing some books across.

''Hey Joey''She said,the nervousness too obvious for her own good,the boy a little older than her turned,hazel eyes staring into her,lips parted into a generous smile.

''Sam,I'm gald you made it''He wrapped his arms around her pulling her close,he smelt a little of dirt and wood but then again he liked the outdoors,couldnt live without it.

''Me too''She grinned,hesitating a moment before trickling her hands up to accept his embrace,because the weird thing in life is,you crave something,you want it so bad you eat,breathe,and sleep it but when that thing is infront of you within arms length,when you can finally touch're too scared to.

She pulled away from him quickly,staring at her ahnds before speaking.

''We should get started''She said weakly reaching for a large blue book,but he layed a cold hand on hers,turning slowly towards her.

She looked into his eyes slighlty scared for what to come and so she should have been,for his lips,cold close and yet distant swallowed hers in their river cruelty,she could almost taste the pain,he bit her lip hard but she still didnt pull away,he was just too close...

His hand slid around her,holding the zip of her nude dress,now she knew she shoould pull away but something kept her theere,in this position and she couldnt disagree.He unzipped her dress,and pulled away from her,eyes wild and insane.

Her face was flushed,but his was just the same.

''Lay down''He commanded pointing at the table.And like her legs were on automatic,she moved,climbed onto the table and layed down,he reached towards her and with a strong hand flipped her unto her belly.

Her hands,in a second were tied down,with something her ordinary eyes could not see,but she was bound to the smooth wooden table,pulling at her hands voilently that were becoming red and sore fast.

''Joey?''She called for some reasurance,she was scared,you could feel the fear radiating off her as she kept pulling helplessely on her hands,she stopped breifly for a second when she felt weight on her,a finger running along her back.

Now she was panicking,her small chest heaving under the weight,her eyes bruning from what she now excepcted,not the fantasy she had relayed in her head so many times.

''Some body help me please!''She screamed helplessley,tugging her hands her wrists now decorated wqith beads of blood.A voice,soft in a whisper tried calming her in her head,telling her;

it will be fine

its a nightmare,it will be fine.

And in the moment she had listened to the voice,two sharp knives were driven into her back,between her shoulder blades.She yelped and let out a loud beastly cry throwing her head back.

He started moving the knives in a downwards motions,tearing through every tissue with such ease,she was screaming crying,her red hair already sticking to her forehead with sweat.

Reaching her lower back,he stopped and twisted the knives as she gave one final long lasting scream,that shook the building to its fragments,and then she slumped,her mouth parted and occupied by foaming blood,her hands now dripping fully with its crimson droplets.

He carved her back further,peeling off the skinn of her back and tossing it to the side,she gurgled,her life falling away as she chocked on her blood.

He got off her,stumbling backwards as he examined his hands,looking from them to the girl on the table,her golden eyes half open,her red hair sticky and wet.He moved backwards tripping on his feet and hitting something hard and sturdy,something that lifted him up and into the air.

''Crushes do crush you''A seemingly calm voice stated amusedly.

Joey couldnt breath all of a sudden as he was turned to face the blackness so unatural it made his toees curl.He was dazed,he didnt know what he had done,all he knew was that there was a dead body,the dead body of someone he knew.Holding unto his neck fevershly his eyes tightned as he felt his head get heavy.

''Thank you,you put on quite aa show dear boy''The voice echoed into his ears as he closed his eyes,death suddenly more a calming shroud now as he slumped and the blackness let him go,setting off to work to do what it wanted now.It could almost taste all that blood.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2013 ⏰

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