Phone Thief! Stuart

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y/n = your name
y/f/n = your full name
y/n/n = your nick name
y/h = your height
(These will be in front of all of the imagines btw)

y/n pov

Today was a normal day for you, ever since you started your internship at Google. You'd stop your alarm, get showered and dressed, and head over to Google. Once you arrived, you sat down with your team. It was a little disfunctional, but you loved them anyway.

You sat on the couch next to Stuart and Neha.  Lyle was sitting on a desk chair, and Billy and Nick leaned on the desk. You guys had just finished your new task and it was time for lunch. You walked with Neha to get your food, leaving your phone on the table. "Neha I'm pretty sure I would know if he liked me.. Which he doesn't."

"Oh please y/n," Neha rolled her eyes and playfully hit you. "He is so in love with you, just the other day I caught him on your face book. He was, hmm... About 3 years back." You laughed, "oh god 2013 was NOT a good year for me." You both laughed and returned to the table.

You sat down and then realized your phone was missing. "Guys. Where is my phone?" You asked in a slightly panicked manner. Stuart got a small smirk on his face. "Stuart Twombly, I swear to the good lord above if you do not give me back my phone or so help me god."

Stuart laughed, "oh yeah? What is the small little y/n gonna do? You realize I'm 5'10, you're only y/h." He chuckled softly, "You might have a hard time getting from me, that is..." You glared at him. "That is if I actually have it." You and Stuart weren't exactly the best of friends. Whenever you two got into an argument it was basically, who could be more witty? Or who's more sarcastic?

You went the whole day without your phone. Constantly sending threading glares at Stuart.

*time skip end of day*

Thank god me and Neha are sharing an apartment now I can text who the prick was who stole my phone. "NEHA!!!!" You yelled, gaining her attention. "Y/n what?!? You scared me half to death!" You laughed at her response. "You know what we should do?"

"We should totally text your phone so the thief gets the message." She had a devious yet playful grin on her face. "Yes! Just what I was thinking!" You laughed.

To: y/n y/l/n
Alright bitch who took my best friends phone. I'm warning you right now I will fuck you up !!

From: y/n y/l/n
Hahahahaha oh girls. How about I give your phone back if y/n meets me in the park. Only y/n. Not you too Neha.

To: y/n y/l/n
Fine. But don't think I'm not bringing some pepper spray or some defense shit.

From: y/n y/l/n
See you in five ;)

*time skip to park*

"Okay!!" You yelled, "I'm out here!! Neha is in the car at the end of the street!!" *sigh* where are they!?!? "Well, well, well. Look who it is." You hear a familiar sarcastic voice and know exactly who it is. "Stuart. Why didn't you just give me my phone earlier!!??" You yelled irritated. "Well you see I didn't because I wouldn't have been able to tell you what I was planning on. You would've taken it and walked off."

Wait? He wanted to tell me something? While I'm alone? Did Stuart actually like me back? "Stuart what are you-" you started but were cut off by Stuart. "Y/n, I wanted to wait to tell you this when we were alone and under the stars. Yes, I know it's very very corny but if I didn't I wouldn't be able to. Okay, y/n. I like you. A lot, actually, I think I'm falling in love with you. I've felt like this for a while. I understand if you don't feel the same way, but I needed to tell you I love you." He let out a light sigh and looked down at the ground. "I'm so sorry, here's your phone. I knew this was a bad idea. I'm so sorry y/n I'll just be going-" you cut him off.

"Stuart! Listen," you held both of his hands in yours. "I do love you. I've had the biggest most dorkiest crush on you forever. You can ask Neha. Anyway, Stuart I do love you. And I have for a while now." He looked at you in awe. "Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked full of confidence, now that you've confessed your feelings to him.

You smiled shyly, "Stuart Twombly I would love to be your girlfriend." He picked you up and spun you around, once he set you back down, placed his hands on your waist and kissed you.

"ALRIGHT BITCH WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH MY BEST FRIEND!!!" Neha ran into the park, she stopped suddenly when she saw what was happening. "AHH YES MY OTP!!! YOU GO Y/N!!" You turned your head to see Neha cheering you on. You leaned your forehead on Stuart's chest and laughed lightly, "she was right, Y'know." Stuart looks down at you, "Right about what, y/n?"

"She kept telling me you liked me, but I was skeptical." He lifted your chin and placed a gentle kiss on your lips. "I love you, y/n." You wrapped your arms around his torso, "I love you too, Stewie."

He playfully rolled his eyes, "Only Stewie for you. Only you." You giggled and told Neha to go back to the house, you and Stuart were gonna stay for a bit.

"Y/n how long have you had a crush on me?" Stuart asked with a light smirk, "I don't know, since our first day at Google." Stuart laughed, "I remember first seeing you there, you had rolled up jeans and a black tank top with your little Star Wars sweatshirt in your hand." You laughed at the memory. "You were so adorable, you still are." You blushed at his words.

"God, I love you." He said placing one last kiss on your lips before you two layer down and watched the stars.

Hey guys!! So..... What did you think?? I dont know I thought it was cute but whatever. I'm trying to post two or three times a week, I just kind of write in my free time so multiple weekly updates, that's a plus YAY!! Leave comments tell me what you think!! Vote if you like it!! And have a great day bbys!! I love you all very much!!

Dylan O'Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now